UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme training regimes like RONALDO, THE ROCK stun fans

With his muscular body, “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson has become the desired model of many men. With a height of 1m93 and a weight of 122kg, he is a superstar wrestler and A-list Hollywood actor.

”The Rock” is famous for his heroic, muscular roles such as Hercules, GI Joe 2: Retaliation, Pain and Gain, Fast and Furious… To achieve that body, he always must follow a diet and exercise regimen that few people can do.

The harsh diet and exercise regimen of muscle hero The Rock: Waking up at 4am to eat 7 meals, consuming twice as many calories as normal people - Photo 1.

Dwayne Johnson. Ảnh: Essentially Sports.

Nutrition is expensive

He often follows a special nutritional regimen called “12 Labors” (12 experts). Along with training, Dwayne Johnson eats 6-7 meals/day. In order to evenly time each meal, he has to wake up at 4 a.m. to start the first meal.

His food focuses on seafood such as cod and salmon with a total consumption of 6,000-8,000 calories/day, according to Men’s Health. With this number, Johnson consumes more than twice the amount of calories as a normal person (a man in his 40s consumes about 2,500 calories/day). According to Bleacher Report, one man tried to diet like The Rock. According to calculations, each month he has to spend up to 1,262 USD (equivalent to 31 million VND) for food, which means up to 15,144 USD/year (about 376 million VND).

In addition, this ”giant” still eats beneficial starches. In his meals there is always a balance between starch, protein and fat. According to “The Rock” shared in Muscle and Fitness magazine, he also supplements glucosamine to be good for bones and joints, amino acids, and chondroitin to nourish cells. Every day he uses a bottle of protein powder solution. ”The Rock” drinks this drink right after training.


”The Rock”’s one-day diet. Photo: Internet.

Below is ”The Rock”’s 7-meal-a-day diet:

– Meal 1: 300 g cod, 2 eggs, 160 g oatmeal

– Meal 2: 230 g cod, 340 g sweet potatoes, 150 g green vegetables

– Meal 3: 2 bowls of white rice, 230 g of chicken, 150 g of green vegetables

– Meal 4: 230 g cod, 2 bowls of white rice, 150 g green vegetables, 1 spoon of fish oil

– Meal 5: 230 g beef, 340 g baked potatoes, spinach salad

– Meal 6: 300 g cod, 2 bowls of white rice, spinach salad

– Meal 7: 30 g casein protein, 10 egg whites, 150 g vegetables (onions, peppers, mushrooms), 1 spoon of fish oil

Harsh training regimen

For someone with a huge body mass, Dwayne Johnson has to work out every day and spend many quality hours at the gym. ”The Rock’s 6-day/week training program starts early in the morning. First, he spent 30-50 minutes on fat-burning exercises like cardio, then lifted weights for 90 minutes, with 2 45kg dumbbells. The star shared: “I like to practice when the sun is shining because then my mind is refreshed and not tired. At that time, I wear headphones to listen to music and focus 100% on practicing.” Thanks to that, he can overcome heavy exercises and his muscles become stronger and stronger after each workout.

For ”The Rock” working out is exactly what he looks forward to when he starts his day. He loves physical exercise and doesn’t know what his body would be like if he didn’t exercise. “For me, exercise is meditation, yoga, mountain climbing, cycling, therapy… all of them. Is one. I love working out. Working out makes me feel great,” The Rock shared.

The harsh diet and exercise regimen of muscle hero The Rock: Waking up at 4 a.m. to eat 7 meals, consuming twice as many calories as normal people - Photo 3.

Dwayne Johnson has to train every day and spend many quality hours at the gym. Photo: Internet.

Johnson also said that he only focuses on one part then moves on to another, and his favorite part is calves. He only stopped training his legs on Saturday, and on the remaining days he trained his legs with a very strict regime.

While his diet rarely changes, ”The Rock” often changes his workout routine and tries new things for fun. He believes that all the exercises not only help him have a beautiful appearance, but also help him completely transform into the character in each movie.

In addition, ”The Rock” performs a pyramid-shaped exercise regimen. Initially, he practiced with a training regimen that included many repetitions per set, but the weight of the machine and equipment was low. After that, he gradually increased the weight every week but reduced the number of exercises per set. After 1 month, he will start the regimen again with high repetitions and high weight on the exercise machine.