Ben Affleck Talks About The Influence Jennifer Lopez Has On His Kids – ‘the kids are affected by it going wrong .’

Ben Affleck has reportedly gone on to discuss the influence Jennifer Lopez is having on her kids. Most fans would already be aware that both Affleck and Lopez have very recently come out of a long-term relationship. It was amidst these circumstances that the couple made their relationship official not too long ago.

Prior to this, Affleck was rumored to have been dating Selena Gomez as well, although those rumors died when the Lopez/Affleck pair was officially announced by the couple themselves. So, what has Affleck said about his relationship with Jennifer Lopez, and how does she impact her kids? Let’s find out that and much more in this video. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are no longer keeping their relationship a secret. But not all fans are aware of the couple’s previous partners with whom they had initially intended to spend their life together.

Affleck was previously married to Jennifer Garner, and their marriage went strong for much more than a decade. Affleck had met his former wife while filming a movie in 2000. The couple started dating in 2004, married in 2005, and then got divorced in 2018. The “greatest regret” of Affleck’s life, according to him, was his divorce from Garner. In the comments below, let us know your thoughts about Ben Affleck Talks About The Influence Jennifer Lopez Has On His Kids.

Ben Affleck - Wikipedia

Jennifer Lopez's 2 Kids: Everything to Know About Twins Emme and Max

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