Taylor Swift talks about S3XUAL HARASSMENT lawsuit for the first time: “I’m very angry because the harasser blames me”

Taylor Swift talks about s3xual harassment lawsuit for the first time: “I’m very angry because the harasser blames me”

S3xual abuse scandals are always a subject of criticism in Hollywood. Taylor Swift, with her great influence at the present time, has spoken out about this problem.

Before Harvey Weinstein’s s3x scandal was all over the news, and before the #MeToo hashtag flooded the Internet, Taylor Swift testified in court, right in the middle of a room full of people, on August 10 of this year. , regarding the incident where she was s3xually harassed.

Taylor Swift is one of the characters on the list of “Silence Breakers” published in the special issue “Person of the Year” of TIME magazine this year.

They are the women who have motivated victims of harassment, abuse, s3xual assault and harassment to confidently speak out their stories. This is also the first time Taylor has spoken out about this matter after the trial ended.Taylor Swift lần đầu nói về vụ kiện bị quấy rối tình dục: Tôi rất phẫn nộ vì bị kẻ quấy rối đổ hết tội cho mình - Ảnh 1.

Taylor Swift and other women “break the silence” in TIME magazine

In 2013, Taylor posed for a photo with KYGO radio DJ David Mueller from Colorado right before a show in Denver while she was on tour promoting her album Red.

In that photo, Taylor said David had behaved inappropriately by touching her under her dress and touching her buttocks. The female singer complained to KYGO station and David Mueller was fired just 2 days later.

David Mueller initially sued Taylor for defamation and claimed that because of her allegations he lost his job. Taylor then countersued Mueller and won the case with a “symbolic” compensation claim of $1 (22,000 VND).

When testifying in court, Taylor did not let the opponent pressure him. Her straightforward and resolute testimony was highly praised by the public.

When David’s defense attorney asked her why in the photo the front of Taylor’s dress was not wrinkled as if it had never been touched, Taylor answered simply: “Because my butt is on the front side.” later?”

When asked if she felt guilty about causing David to lose his job, she replied: “I will not let you or your client continue to make me feel guilty in any way.” .

It’s been a few years, and yet I’m still blamed for the bad things that happen in his life, even though those things are the result of his actions, not mine.” .Taylor Swift lần đầu nói về vụ kiện bị quấy rối tình dục: Tôi rất phẫn nộ vì bị kẻ quấy rối đổ hết tội cho mình - Ảnh 2.

David Mueller was accused by Taylor of touching her butt in a photo taken with Mueller’s girlfriend, when the three of them met at a concert in June 2013.

Like many of the other women interviewed in this special issue, Taylor refuses to accept blame for what they have gone through.

Her memorable testimony marks a major milestone in the topic of harassment, abuse, s3xual assault and harassment that has been covered quite a bit this year. Taylor wrote a handwritten response to TIME’s interview about what she went through.

Why is it so important to disclose what happened to you?

Taylor Swift: In 2013, I met a DJ from a famous radio channel at a meeting before my show. While we were taking photos, he intentionally put his hand inside my skirt and harassed me.

I tried to move aside to hide from him, but he didn’t let me go. At that time, I was on a pretty big tour, so in the audience at that time there were a few people who witnessed the incident and they took a photo to prove that moment.

I figured if he was brazen enough to touch me under such tight security, imagine what he would do to other young artists when he got the chance.

I reported this incident to the radio channel because I felt they needed to know. This radio channel directly investigated the incident and fired him. Two years later, he sued me.

Taylor Swift: During my time as a witness, I appeared in court for a week and witnessed his attorney bully, attack, and harass my team, including my mother. I.

They mentioned extremely trivial and unreasonable details to accuse me of lying. My mother was so sad, she was so sick that she couldn’t appear on the day I went to court.

I was very angry. At that moment, I decided to skip all court proceedings and just directly answer the questions as exactly what happened.

This man had no regard for the law when he abused me, and his lawyer had no respect for my mother, so why should I be nice to him?

I heard people talking about the word “butt” appearing in my testimony the most ever in the recorded history of the Colorado Federal Circuit.

How have people reacted to your story?

Taylor: Everyone has been very supportive of my case since the trial started in August. But before that, I spent two years reading rude headlines like “Taylor Swift’s Groping Case butt” and some people online brought up the story of what happened to me to laugh and tease.

The stories are embellished with details that are not true to what happened. Most people think I sued him first. But the people present in court exclaimed in surprise when the court said that I was the defendant.

When news sites started reporting that I was in Denver to settle the lawsuit, there was a strong wave of support on social networks. I have never appreciated it more. I called Kesha, who had gone through a similar stressful lawsuit, to seek help.

After this experience, what advice do you have for your fans?

Taylor: I would tell people in this situation that they can be blamed when they themselves are s3xually assaulted. You may be blamed for what happened or how you reacted to the problem.

Society will even make you feel like you’re overdoing it, because they consider this normal. My advice is that you must not blame yourself and absolutely do not accept others blaming you.

You should not be blamed for having to wait 15 minutes, 15 days, or even 15 years to speak up about harassment, abuse, s3xual assault, or the consequences of what happened. after that person attacks you.

Is this a transformative moment in the way we think about s3xual assault and harassment?

Taylor: I think this is an important moment in raising awareness, changing the way parents talk to their children about this issue, and also in the way victims overcome their trauma even though it’s new. good old.

Any woman or man who bravely speaks up has proven that abuse of power to cover up the mistakes of bad people will not be tolerated.

Taking a matter to court is a lonely and draining experience, even if you win, even if you have the financial means to defend yourself.

Although at the present time, people are gradually becoming aware of the problem of s3xual harassment in the workplace, there are still many people who feel scared, hurt or forced to stay silent in front of the abuser. Surname.

When the jury found in my favor, my harasser was ordered to pay me a symbolic sum of just $1. And to this day, he still hasn’t paid me that $1, I consider that behavior itself to be a sign of defiance.