Batman: The Animated Series changed the face of superhero animated TV when it first aired a little over three decades ago. The show was special not only because of its compelling narrative and exciting storylines. However, it was created for audiences of all age groups and managed to achieve viewership from kids to elders.
A still from Batman: The Animated SeriesA still from Batman: The Animated Series
There is a lot that goes into creating something so impactful and entertaining. And the man who probably did the most behind the curtain for this show disclosed something that stunned the fans. Show creator Bruce Timm revealed how he never imagined having one particular actor be a part of the show, who eventually voiced a prominent character.

Bruce Timm’s Surprise Over Mark Hamill’s Interest in Batman: The Animated Series 

Bruce TimmBruce Timm | Source: Wikimedia Commons
When it comes to accrediting Bruce Timm for Batman: The Animated Series, the American animator donned many hats for the show. Serving as a writer, producer, director, character designer, and occasionally voicing several small roles; it is safe to say Timm was the driving force that made the show what it is.


Timm had managed to bring together the finest of that era to voice the main characters. The four-season animated franchise boasted a cast of legends from the 60s like Kevin Conroy, Bob Hastings, Loren Lester, John Glover, and Melissa Gilbert among others. However, there was one actor whose showing interest in the show was a dream come true for Timm.


Speaking with Science at the 2017 New York Comic Con, Timm was asked to name an actor whose casting in the show surprised him. This is what Time told the news outlet:

“Well Mark! Mark Hamill was… never in a million years would I have thought to cast Mark Hamill as The Joker. But when we did come to the realisation that we should probably recast the part, Mark had already told us earlier, when he appeared in the Mr. Freeze episode, that he really wanted to play one of the big villains!”

It is not every day that Mark Hamill wants to be part of something so close to one’s heart. Timm’s surprise is quite apt.

Mark Hamill: The Perfect Joker

Joker in a still from Batman: The Animated Series Joker in a still from Batman: The Animated Series
Hamill’s interest in the part was unexpected for Timm. And yet casting the Star Wars alum was quite an easy decision for the showrunner. He told the Science as much.

“So we remembered that and brought him back in to audition for The Joker, and there wasn’t even anybody else who was even close. He just nailed it right away, and that was a big surprise!”


Timm said that the first time he heard the actor’s voice, he was pleasantly surprised. Casting Hamill as the Joker was possibly the best decision the producer made.