ISLE SAY! Love Island legend’s SECRET bitter FEUD with Towie star REVEALED – SPARKED by Celeb Ex on the Beach beauty

LOVE Island legend Jack Fincham’s secret feud with Towie star Roman Hackett has been revealed – after it was sparked by Celebrity Ex On The Beach star Chloe Brockett.

Back in August Chloe, 23, was suspended from Towie after she threw three glasses at her co-star Roman, 21, during a furious bust-up.

Love Island's Jack Fincham is involved in a secret feud with a Towie star

Love Island’s Jack Fincham is involved in a secret feud with a Towie star

Roman was involved in a huge bust-up with Chloe last year

Roman was involved in a huge bust-up with Chloe last yearCredit: Splash
Chloe, who was romantically connected to Roman last year on Towie, left the show in February this year.

Now it seems that Jack, 27, who recently rekindled his on/off relationship with Chloe, also got involved in the dispute.

A source said: “Jack Fincham and Roman Hackett can’t stand each other after they had a big fallout over Chloe Brockett.

“It all stems from when Chloe Brockett threw three glasses at Roman in a row while filming the ITVBe show.

“Jack called Roman up to talk about it, but they got into a very heated row on the phone.

“Roman couldn’t believe Jack had the nerve to call him, especially when he didn’t even press charges.

“He understands someone wanting to stick up for their girlfriend, but he feels like Jack crossed a line.”

Jack and Roman’s reps have been approached for comment.

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Chloe then threw three glasses at Roman with force, which all hit him on his body.

Last month Roman said that Chloe is lucky he didn’t press charges.

Roman said: “Watching the footage back of Chloe throwing the glasses at me, I was shocked.

“It happened so fast I didn’t realise how bad it was at the time. I could have pressed charges, but I didn’t as I didn’t want to go through the hassle.”

Chloe and Jack have been dating on/off since 2019

Chloe and Jack have been dating on/off since 2019Credit: Instagram
“Since this happened, I’ve not said a single thing publicly about it out of respect for Chloe and the show. But now I feel like I have to say something.”

Following the assault, Roman said Chloe reached out to him and apologised around a week later.

The pair went on a number of dates while filming for the show last year.


Chloe later claimed that the love triangle storyline between her, Roman and Dani Imbert was staged and ‘set up’.

However a Towie spokesman denied the claims about the faked romance.

“Our ‘love triangle’ with Dani was set up by the show, there was never anything between us,” Chloe previously told us.

She also claimed that Roman called her a “fat c***”.

“I was totally shocked by what Roman said. I know it was in the heat of the moment, but it was really hurtful that he brought up my weight.”

However Roman hit back at her claims.

Roman told us: “Chloe said I called her a ‘Fat c***,’ and made it out like I was in her face saying this.

“I did say those words but not directly to her. I said it as I walked away out of frustration because she had just thrown three glasses at me. It may not have been the best choice of words, but I had just been assaulted unexpectedly and I was in complete shock.

“I never said those words to her face and nor would I. She only heard those words after watching back the footage just like I did.

“She has made it sound like I said that to her and she then threw the glasses as a result, but that wasn’t the case.

“I walked away and as I walked away, I said it. I didn’t scream it or shout it in her face, I said it under my breath.

“I did her a favour by not saying anything, but I won’t stand for someone making false allegations.”

He also didn’t agree with what she said about their romance.

Roman said: “When me and Chloe first got together it was outside of the show.


“We kissed and we started talking and that got brought into the show. I then realised I still had feelings for Dani.

“For Chloe to say it was all faked is a complete lie.”

Chloe and Roman dated on Towie

Chloe and Roman dated on Towie