Jimmy Carr’s BEHAVIOUR on This Morning sparks OUTRAGE as Dermot forced to offer SUPPORT

Clodagh McKenna offered fresh and delicious recipes on This Morning but Jimmy Carr ‘s constant interruptions left fans with a bone to pick with him.

The comedian was due for a chat with Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary but carefully watched the Irish chef and author in the show’s kitchen before he had to answer the presenters’ questions.

But while Clodagh expertly tended to a chicken carcass she recommended viewers to set in a saucepan, as she introduced three ways of cooking one single chicken, Jimmy interjected: “what? Have you not got a bin?”

A smiling Clodagh kept her composure as she tried to get on with her segment but Jimmy’s interruptions were continuous. “Pop it in the bin! It’s gone, the chicken is gone”, he insisted, speaking over Clodagh.

Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Carr left This Morning viewers exasperated as he couldn’t let Clodagh McKenna finish off her cooking segment in peace ( 



Jimmy then proceeded to mock the chef as she boasted the flavour of a chicken broth she’d concocted: “wait until she finds out about stock cubes!” And once again, he continued to talk over Clodagh, sharing frequent quips. Once Clodagh’s segment ended with Alison, Dermot and

Jimmy tucking in to a vegetable and chicken dish, the comedian went a step further by critiquing her dish, suggesting it lacked chicken.

Although Clodagh reacted with a grin and a polite laugh, Dermot wrapped a protective arm around, seemingly comforting her. However, off-screen, viewers didn’t hold back as they brutally slammed Jimmy Carr on X. “Urgh. Jimmy Carr next. Switching off as he is obnoxious and

proved it by having no respect to Clodah’s segment”, one of them penned. Another agreed: “Jimmy Carr what an absolute a*** to Clodagh.”

A third TV watcher chimed in: “I doubt Jimmy would appreciate it if Clodagh joined his segment and started loudly interrupting and undermining everything he said.” Another angry viewer then echoed: “Jimmy Carr being an arse during this cooking segment on #ThisMorning STFU Jimmy. You’re not funny and just look well pathetic. It’s not always about you.”

One fan empathised with Clodagh: “If I was Clodagh I would butt in on Jimmy Carrs segment and throw broccoli at him the rude g**!” While another concluded: “Clodagh sounds really pissed off at Jimmy Carr & who could blame her.”

Meanwhile, Clodagh took to Instagram with a selfie featuring Alison and Dermot but no Jimmy as she captioned: “One chicken, 3 recipes, one @jimmycarr I’m officially ready for the weekend.” More viewers in the comment section showed her support following her segment and Jimmy was again targeted.

“I’m sorry the 3 of them talked over the top of you so much, as a viewer it made it hard to hear so must have been frustrating for you! Great recipes though and can’t wait to try!”, one of her followers wrote. Another couldn’t help but blast Jimmy Carr as they penned: “Jimmy Carr was so rude to you C, you were fab thank you so much.”