MUM GUILT Watch the HEARTBREAKING moment Coronation Street’s Brooke Vincent breaks down in TEARS sobbing ‘my LIFE is a total MESS’

BROOKE Vincent is seen breaking down in tears on this week’s Drama Queens over her ‘mum guilt’ when her little boy gets sick.

In this week’s episode, Brooke is seen heading into town when she receives word from her mum that one of her two boys has come down with a sickness.

Brooke is left weeping when she hears her son is sick

Brooke is left weeping when she hears her son is sickCredit: ITVBe

Brooke is the proud mum to two boys

Brooke is the proud mum to two boysCredit: Instagram

Brooke said she suffers from mum guilt when she's not with her kids


Brooke said she suffers from mum guilt when she’s not with her kidsCredit: ITVBe
Brooke is the proud mum to Mexx, born in October 2019, and Monroe, born in May 2021.

In an exclusive clip, Brooke is seen emotional in the back of a cab as she her phone away, telling cameras: “We just thought it is probably best that I don’t Facetime him, as he’ll be like: ‘mum where are ya?’ and I’m obviously here all day. It will be fine.”

But despite her reassurances, Brooke chokes back tears before beginning to weep.

“The only reason I am trying not to cry is because my eyes will go all red,” she said. “And then I’ll have to meet new people with red eyes…”

However, she’s clearly overwhelmed in the moment and it eventually gets the better of her, causing her to burst into tears.

“At that point, I was like instantly overwhelmed,” she tells cameras in a scene filmed later in her home. “It makes me upset because I think… I get such mum guilt.”

“It is really rubbish. Ultimately there is nothing really that I could have done to predict he was going to be poorly,” she says in the back of the cab, before burrowing through her bag looking for tissues.

“It’ll will be fine. He has literally just been sick. I think it’s just.. I constantly think, is it right that I go back to work,” she explains.

“Obviously I am here and all this and I can’t get back to him.”

Brooke later explains: “Mum guilt is a thing, it really, really is. Do I just go and work in a job that is 9-5, that’s round the corner from home and just solely be a mum?

“I don’t know what the right answer is to be honest.”

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After she cries herself out, Brooke tries to lighten the mood – laughing at herself as she resorts to using a stuffed toy to wipe her face.

“God, I am an absolute mess,” she laughed. “My life’s a mess!”

As she arrived at her photoshoot at work, Brooke says in a voiceover: “Every day I think: ‘how the heck am I doing this?’ But Corrie taught me the job is bigger than you.

“I am employed to be there for a photoshoot. Whether I have had a horrendous morning… I have got to be there at 12 o’clock… tear-stained or not…. I will be there.”

Drama Queens, which airs tomorrow nights, follows some of the most beloved stars on TV as they navigate balancing their work and personal lives.

Faces from Coronation Street, Emmerdale, EastEnders and Hollyoaks have let the cameras into their lives for the series, which documents their hectic schedules.

The star explained she questioned whether or not to quit her job

The star explained she questioned whether or not to quit her jobCredit: ITVBe

Brooke gathered herself before arriving at a photoshoot

Brooke gathered herself before arriving at a photoshootCredit: ITVBe

Mexx and Monroe are adored by their mum

Mexx and Monroe are adored by their mum