Sharina Hudson’s MASTER PLAN To Take REVENGE On Wendy Williams

Sharina Hudson’s MASTER PLAN To Take REVENGE On Wendy Williams

Sharina Hudson's MASTER PLAN To Take REVENGE On Wendy Williams - YouTube


Is Sharina Hudson planning something to get back at Wendy Williams for threatening to take away her lavish lifestyle? This girl is never getting tired after everything that she had already done to Wendy. Come on, Wendy was the one who paid for their expenses and everything

that they needed in the past years even after she got divorced with Kevin Hunter.

We thought that this drama will soon end and that Kevin and Sharina will leave Wendy alone this time because Kevin already lost the case. But the truth is, Sharina has got a lot of things on the way to take revenge against Wendy. This girl is so confident even though she knows

that people’s perspective of her as a mistress would never change. Both Sharina and Kevin do not have any intention of finding a job again and the only thing that they want to do is receive money from Wendy.