10 Funniest Luffy Moments in One Piece

Nami, Luffy laughing, and the Sniper King from One Piece

Humor is a staple of the One Piece franchise, coloring countless entertaining interactions between its beloved ensemble of unforgettable characters. Comedy is infused into the narrative and championed by the amusing protagonist Monkey D. Luffy. Whether intentional or not, the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates is at the center of the funniest moments in the series. Monkey D. Luffy knows how to have fun like no other, sometimes undercutting himself as a leader with his trademark humorous antics.

No Straw Hat Pirate is safe from their Captain’s impersonations or his notoriously weak memory. Monkey D. Luffy is too sincere to hold back his jovial impulses from anyone, even when faced with a serious situation. For all his heroism and sacrifice throughout One Piece‘s plot, Luffy’s most noteworthy quality may still be his uncanny ability to make everyone around him laugh.

10Luffy Tries to Catch a Bird But it Catches Him Instead

Episode 4: “The Secret Behind Luffy’s Hat”

Nami looks at a map during the Orange Town arc in One Piece.
Shanks gives Luffy his straw hat. Zoro strung up in the yard during his debut in One Piece anime.
Buggy the Clown attacks during One Piece's Orange Town arc
Nami looks at a map during the Orange Town arc in One Piece.
Shanks gives Luffy his straw hat. Zoro strung up in the yard during his debut in One Piece anime.
Buggy the Clown attacks during One Piece's Orange Town arc

One Piece‘s fourth episode includes important scenes, like the story of how Monkey D. Luffy got his trademark Straw Hat and his first encounter with Nami. Despite the significance of these two events, the sequence leading to Luffy’s comedic Orange Town entrance stands out as the episode’s most entertaining element.

When a hungry Monkey D. Luffy sees a massive bird fly through the sky overhead, he tells Zoro he’ll catch it for them to eat. Luffy’s elastic Gum-Gum Fruit abilities hoist him up to the bird’s level but fail to keep his feet onboard the boat. Zoro is forced to deal with Buggy’s Pirates on the boat alone as Luffy touches down on the island where he and Nami finally meet.

9Luffy’s Worst Insult May Also Be His Silliest

Episode 130: “Scent of Danger! The Seventh Member is Nico Robin”

The Straw Hat Pirates say goodbye to Vivi in One Piece. things to see in alabasta for one piece sesaon 2


10 Things From Alabasta One Piece Fans Want to See in Season 2 Of The Live-Action Show

Netflix’s One Piece did a fantastic job with the East Blue, so fans can’t wait to see what the live-action has in store for the Alabasta saga.

Zoro is far from the Straw Hat Pirates’ most affectionate pirate, and he proves this element of his nature when he dismisses the crew’s sadness about leaving Nefertari Vivi behind after their adventure in Alabasta. The distraught Straw Hats fire back at Zoro, but Monkey D. Luffy’s insult makes more of a joke out of himself.

After hurling insults about Zoro’s appearance and intelligence, Luffy’s crew is surprised at the Straw Hat’s lackluster attempt to make fun of the swordsman by calling him “three-sword style.” Usopp tries to explain a better approach to Luffy, but the Captain quickly interrupts to call Zoro “four-sword style” instead. The longer Monkey D. Luffy persists in his sincere belief that he’s finally insulted Zoro, Usopp becomes more desperate to correct him, intensifying the silliness of Luffy’s misunderstanding as the scene continues.

8Irony Strikes When Luffy Declares His Love for the Going Merry

Episode 148: “Legendary Family! Noland the Liar!”

Merry stands in front of the Going Merry in One Piece's Syrup Village Arc

Straw Hat Pirate Usopp is very protective of the Going Merry because of its link to Lady Kaya, the childhood friend from his hometown in Syrup Village who lent him the ship to sail the Grand Line. The Straw Hat Crew appreciates the boat and tries to show gratitude by helping with its repairs, but sometimes Usopp ends up more frustrated than he may have been without help.

Monkey D. Luffy is often seen as immature, making it noteworthy that he takes a beat to empathize with Usopp regarding the crew’s treatment of the Going Merry. However, his attempt to champion the act of repairing the ship is immediately undercut when he breaks a hunk of the ship’s wall with a single hammer swing. Usopp grows even more flustered and harsh with his crewmates during his dramatic fit.

7Luffy’s Impersonations Perfectly Capture Zoro & Sanji

Episode 156: “Already Criminals? Skypeia’s Upholders of the Law!”

One Piece's Luffy grins while Usopp, Sanji and Zoro look horrified behind him.

One Piece‘s Skypeia Arc challenges the Straw Hat Pirates with significant threats early in their journey as a crew. Unaware of the danger ahead, it’s business as usual for Monkey D. Luffy who can’t help but unleash entertaining impersonations of his crewmates.

Usopp and Luffy’s behavior on the back of the boat irritates Sanji who’s tasked with navigating. Luffy first makes Usopp howl with laughter with an impression of a sleepy Zoro, but he makes things worse with Sanji by impersonating him too. Sanji quickly beats Usopp and Luffy after the Straw Hat Captain embarrasses him with an impression of the sway of women on the chef. If Usopp’s reaction is any indication, Luffy’s impersonations are spot-on.

6Nami & Usopp Suffer the Consequences of Luffy’s Recklessness

Episode 231: “The Franky Family and Iceberg!”

One Piece's Water 7 is pictured in daylight.

Monkey D. Luffy is undeniably an aloof character capable of overlooking the obvious, and one of his mindless acts almost costs the crew a briefcase full of valuable Berries. Nami and Usopp may never forgive Luffy after his recklessness with their money cost them a major embarrassment at Water 7. Monkey D. Luffy naturally moves in less orthodox ways than his crewmates because of his body’s elastic qualities empowered by his Devil Fruit.

During one of Luffy’s silly movements, he loses hold of a briefcase full of Berries and launches it toward the water in front of him. Nami and Usopp jump into action from Luffy’s side, throwing themselves over the water to catch the briefcase, only for another of Luffy’s unusual ability to help him extend his arm to a supernatural length to catch the case himself, leaving Nami and Usopp to fall into the water for nothing.

5Luffy Mistakes Another Long-Nosed Pirate for Usopp

Episode 231: “The Franky Family and Iceberg!”

A pre-timeskip Usopp looking shocked in One Piece Franky striking his iconic pose in Water 7 in One Piece Cp9 Revealing Their True Identities In One Piece Spandam Hands The Devil Fruits Over To CP9 Agents Kalifa And Kaku in One PieceA pre-timeskip Usopp looking shocked in One Piece Franky striking his iconic pose in Water 7 in One Piece
Cp9 Revealing Their True Identities In One Piece Spandam Hands The Devil Fruits Over To CP9 Agents Kalifa And Kaku in One Piece

The Water 7 Arc introduces several memorable characters to One Piece‘s ensemble of characters, like Straw Hat Franky and the CP9 crew. Monkey D. Luffy seems to have a hard time remembering other characters throughout the series, whether sincere or not, the Straw Hat Captain’s mix-up of one of his crewmates with a CP9 agent is one of the show’s best gags.

Although Usopp is all too familiar with jokes at the cost of his notably long nose, he’s still surprised when Luffy thinks CP9’s Kaku is him. Usopp is utterly offended by Luffy’s mistake since it’s such a shocking mix-up for the Captain to make. This is just one of many examples of characters falling victim to Luffy’s terrible memory, but it remains one of the funniest.

4The Sniper King’s True Identity Eludes Luffy

Episode 312: “Thank You, Merry! Snow Falls over the Parting Sea!”

Usopp stands in the rain dressed as Sniper King in One Piece.

One recurring gimmick among the Straw Hat Pirates is Usopp’s invention of alternate personas to bolster his reputation as a warrior. Usopp’s memorable identity as the Sniper King makes several entertaining appearances throughout the series. However, Monkey D. Luffy fails to recognize his crewmate in disguise time and time again.

The Straw Hats develop a deep bond with their beloved ship, the Going Merry, as they travel along the Grand Line searching for the One Piece, but Usopp has the closest connection to it since it was borrowed from his close friend in Syrup Village, Lady Kaya. Monkey D. Luffy embodies the spirit of a true leader when he recognizes the extra weight of the loss on Usopp by remarking that it’s best he is not present to witness the ritual burning of the ship once it’s no longer fit to sail. Luffy’s gesture falls hilariously flat as he unknowingly makes the declaration in front of Usopp, unaware that the Straw Hat stands behind the iconic mask and cape of the Sniper King.

3Luffy Has No Sympathy for Thriller Bark’s Zombies

Episode 342: “The Zombie’s Secret! Hogback’s Nightmarish Laboratory!”

Zombies gather during One Piece's Thriller Bark Arc.

Monkey D. Luffy can be difficult to predict because of his impulsive nature and unusual perspectives. None of the Straw Hat Pirates were prepared for Luffy’s shocking response to a supernatural threat that appears in Thriller Bark.

Gecko Moria cultivates an army of undead zombies, one of which does not seem to phase Monkey D. Luffy when it first emerges from its dirt grave. Luffy stares down the risen zombie before calmly walking toward it to gently push the creature back into the hole it occupies. When the being reemerges, Luffy reveals he thought the zombie was just an injured elderly person, raising considerable concern from the Straw Hats about his judgment.

2Lucy Becomes Luffy’s Funniest Undercover Disguise

Episode 633: “A Formidable, Unkown Warrior! Here Comes Lucy!”

Gladiator Lucy, a disguise worn by Monkey D. Luffy, in the Dressrosa arc of One Piece

It is critical to the Straw Hat’s joint operation with Trafalgar D. Law that Monkey D. Luffy’s identity remains a secret in Dressrosa. However, Luffy’s last-minute participation in the tournament to claim the Flame-Flame Fruit that previously belonged to his deceased brother, Ace.

Monkey D. Luffy has little time to prepare for the competition he is lured to join, resulting in a ridiculous costume consisting of a phony white beard and a cheesy floral print button-down t-shirt. Perhaps even more absurd is his thinly veiled identity as the dark horse contestant, Lucy. The Straw Hat’s ruse doesn’t last for long after one too many slip-ups, but it’s incredibly entertaining to watch as it unfolds.

1Nami Almost Loses It When Luffy Confronts a Baby

Episode 827: “A Secret Meeting! Luffy vs the Fire Tank Pirates!”

Luffy and the Straw Hats Meet Gang Bege. Capone Bege smokes a cigar in One Piece. Capone Bege stands with armed henchmen in One Piece. Capone Bege is depicted with his men visible in his eye in One Piece.Luffy and the Straw Hats Meet Gang Bege. Capone Bege smokes a cigar in One Piece. Capone Bege stands with armed henchmen in One Piece. Capone Bege is depicted with his men visible in his eye in One Piece.

During the Whole Cake Island Saga, the Straw Hat Pirates seek out Supernova Capone Bege, a crimelord above the likes of even Crocodile and Buggy the Clown who man similar pursuits. In an anime-only scene, Nami is stunned by Monkey D. Luffy’s lack of awareness, threatening to make them look foolish at a critical moment in the series.

Capone Bege earned his reputation by doing business cautiously, which is why the Straw Hats are kept waiting for his arrival until his crew can fully prepare. Monkey D. Luffy grows impatient and over-asserts himself to ask if the person hosting them in the room is actually Bege. The character shrugs off the question to Nami’s relief, but she is overwhelmed with rage when Luffy continues his interrogation by asking if the infant in the room is Bege, spurring her to set Luffy straight in desperate hopes of keeping the situation on the rails.