Alvida’s Backstory, Crew, & Powers in One Piece, Explained

Alvida is a powerful pirate captain in One Piece, and as Monkey D. Luffy’s first enemy at sea, she has unique abilities and a powerful Devil Fruit.

One Piece's Alvida

In One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of Straw Hat Pirates set out on an adventure to locate the mysterious and fabled titular treasure, and along the way, they find opposition from many other pirate crews on the same mission. The result is a long-running fantasy adventure series full of action, with Luffy rising in the ranks to become one of the most feared pirates of all time. One of the first antagonists Luffy encounters on his journey at sea is Alvida, a malicious pirate captain from the East Blue.

One Piece is widely regarded as one of the best anime of all time, thanks to the fresh and exciting villains Luffy and his crew regularly face on their journey, as well as the exciting powers that the show’s characters have access to thanks to the ingenious and creative Devil Fruits. Alvida may not be one of the most well-known or powerful antagonists of the series, but her unique powers and early presence in Luffy’s story make her one of One Piece‘s most intriguing characters to date.

One Piece’s pirate gangs are all skilled in battle, with characters like Shanks, Kaido, and Monkey D. Luffy being some of the best fighters.

Alvida Emerged Early in One Piece’s Story

Alvida in her slender form looking to the side.
alvida from one piece
Buggy the Clown stands with Lady Alvida in One Piece
Smoker Using hIs Devil Fruit To Catch Alvida and Buggy In One Piece
Alvida in her slender form looking to the side. alvida from one piece Buggy the Clown stands with Lady Alvida in One Piece Smoker Using hIs Devil Fruit To Catch Alvida and Buggy In One Piece

Alvida makes her debut appearance in One Piece‘s first episode, where she is seen as a tall and obese woman and the captain of the Alvida Pirates. Alvida is portrayed as very vain and conceited, and she considers herself the most beautiful woman at sea, regardless of her appearance. Those who disagree with her see her more violent side, with Alvida often smashing those who dare insult her with her signature mace.

Alvida faces off with Monkey D. Luffy early in One Piece‘s story, and his victory over her was the first of many hard-fought battles Monkey has endured. After losing to Luffy, Alvida found and ate a powerful Devil Fruit that augmented her battle abilities as well as drastically changed her appearance. She then went on to form an alliance with another of Luffy’s enemies, Buggy the Star Clown, determined to get her revenge on Luffy following their initial battle.

Alvida’s Crew Changed Over Time

Lady Alvida and Buggy the Clown gather with their allies in One Piece.

With Monkey D. Luffy closer than ever to finding the One Piece, it’s time for him to face off against his greatest opponents.

Initially, Alvida was the captain of her own crew known as the Alvida Pirates. This was the first enemy crew Luffy encountered at sea, but after their defeat at the hands of Luffy, the crew dissolved and Alvida formed an alliance with Buggy and the Buggy Pirates. Alvida and Buggy shared a singular goal of wanting to track down Luffy, but Alvida quickly grew tired of Buggy’s raucous crew.

Much of Alvida’s alliances are connected to Buggy despite her distaste for his methods; after Buggy became one of One Piece‘s Seven Warlords of the Sea, she joined Buggy’s Delivery organization, serving as an administrator for the pirate mercenary group.

Buggy is driven by his desire for the One Piece treasure, but Alvida never hesitates to leave him and takes over his crew, doing just that when Buggy is imprisoned. His crew was loyal to her during this time, and she seemed just fine being rid of Buggy and his dirty ways.

Alvida’s Devil Fruit Powers, Explained

Alvida the villain in One Piece

When Luffy first encountered Alvida, she was far from the biggest threat in One Piece, which explains why Luffy was able to make quick work of her in their initial battle. She was strong, but also large and overweight, and she had a short temper and vanity that made it easy to get the best of her. When Luffy beat her, she took the loss personally and found ways to strengthen herself into being a real threat, primarily thanks to her powerful new Devil Fruit abilities.

Alvida ate the Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth-Smooth Fruit), and it made her skin smooth and slippery, allowing her to evade attacks more easily. The Devil Fruit also drastically changed her appearance, ridding her of all her fat and turning her into a slim, beautiful woman.

Before consuming the Devil Fruit, pirates feared Alvida and complimented her to play to her vanity for fear of retribution. Thanks to her Devil Fruit, these compliments became genuine, with many remarking about her beauty. She is now even able to distract and mislead those around her with her new, charming appearance.

Alvida Earned Her Nickname As The “Iron Mace”

One Piece Luffy Fights Alvida

Alvida is feared in One Piece, often referred to by her nickname “Iron Mace,” which references her signature weapon. With her extraordinary strength, Alvida is able to use the large mace to easily maim or kill in a single swing. Those who insult her appearance or do not indulge her vanity are often punished with a smack from her fearsome weapon.

When Alvida’s Devil Fruit powers gave her a new, thinner body, she didn’t lose any of her strength and remained skilled with her iron mace. The deadly weapon is even powerful enough for Alvida to easily incapacitate several marines with one quick swing, making it one of the strongest weapons in One Piece that’s not a sword or gun.

Alvida’s Relationship with Monkey D. Luffy is Complicated

One Piece Alvida and her Crew

Luffy has lost quite a few battles, which have only made him stronger. Here are all the times Luffy lost a major battle in One Piece.

When Alvida suffered defeat at the hands of Luffy early in One Piece‘s story, the two quickly became enemies. While it was easy for Luffy to move on and continue his adventures, the loss was more consequential for Alvida, who had never suffered defeat at the hands of a man before. As a result, she became obsessed with Luffy for being able to get the best of her in combat.

Alvida’s defeat drove her to form her alliance with Buggy, but her hatred for Luffy may not be as severe as it appears on the surface. One Piece‘s 52nd episode, “Buggy’s Revenge! The Man Who Smiles at the Execution Platform!,” showed that Alvida’s feelings about Luffy were more complicated; she seemed to admire Luffy and his skills so much that she was even disappointed in Buggy for trying to kill Luffy in the episode.

Alvida’s Evil Deeds Made Her Koby’s Mortal Enemy

coby is on board alvida's ship in one piece

One Piece’s pirate gangs are all skilled in battle, with characters like Shanks, Kaido, and Monkey D. Luffy being some of the best fighters.

Koby’s destiny in One Piece remains to be seen as the story unfolds, but early on in the series, he was a tragic victim to Alvida and her crew’s terrible mistreatment. He served as a chore boy on the ship for years and was afraid to stand up for himself, which Avida happily took advantage of, forcing Koby to do awful tasks that the rest of the crew wouldn’t do.

Upon Luffy’s arrival on Alvida’s ship, Koby got up the courage to speak out against Alvida. She was ready to kill him in retaliation, but Luffy intervened and stopped her. Even years after his time on her ship, Koby remembers how horribly Alvida treated him, and she remains one of his primary focuses. As a Marine Captain, Koby has made it his mission to arrest evil pirates like her.