Akira Toriyama lost some of his best work because of sleeping


Akira Toriyama would go to sleep if he couldn’t come up with any good idea for his mangas.
However, this would then lead for some of his best ideas to come to him in his sleep, only to get lost in dreamland.
Eiichiro Oda on the other hand uses his tiredness because of the ideas that come to him during that time.

Authors often find themself overcome with exhaustion because of the constant work they have to do, Akira Toriyama being no exception to the same. In his many decades as a mangaka, whether with Dr. Slump or Dragon Ball, he always gave his best with each chapter that came out. From epic storytelling to carefully crafted character sketches, there was nothing the mangaka didn’t put his heart into.
The first Super Saiyan transformation _ Dragon Ball FandomThe first Super Saiyan transformation | Dragon Ball Fandom
In the midst of it all, there is a possibility to be consumed by one’s work. Either by obsession or obligation, it becomes less of an option and more of an illusion of choice. Despite it all, every artist tries to put in their best to give the audience what they most want.

While some make use of the disadvantages present before them, it is not unusual to succumb to them either.

Akira Toriyama Just Goes to Sleep

In an interview alongside Inu Yasha mangaka Rumiko Takahashi (via Rumic World), Akira Toriyama was asked about ever suffering from writer’s block. It is not uncommon for authors to suffer from writer’s block, perhaps with the exception of Jeffrey Archer. Either by exhaustion or the lack of ideas, they can often find themselves at a stopping point.
Goku in Dragon Ball Z - Akira ToriyamaGoku in Dragon Ball Z

“I sometimes run out of ideas. In that case I make up my mind and go to bed.” He stated, “If I get some good ideas with sleepy feelings, I think I’m lucky, but after that I often fall asleep. In that case I feel as if I have missed out on something.”

He explained that sometimes running out of ideas becomes inevitable, in which case he then simply goes back to sleep. However, in that state of sleep, he could find himself coming up with some rather interesting ideas.

Eiichiro Oda Stands in Stark Contrast

Mangakas opening up about how overwhelming their jobs can be and how much toll it can take on their daily lives, including their health, is a rising concern. However, Eiichiro Oda is not one to take a hit because of it. While many mangakas would find themselves in dire and well-deserved need of rest, Oda takes it as an opportunity to instead come up with the best ideas.
Gear 5 Luffy in One PieceGear 5 Luffy in One Piece

“The only way that I can think of a new idea is to think about it a lot without sleeping or eating. That’s the only way that I know, because humans can only come up with truly new ideas when they reach their limit. So every time I am done with my manuscript, I am completely exhausted.”

In an interview with Viz Media, the One Piece writer revealed that all of his most creative work comes when he is either extremely hungry or sleep-deprived. He uses the opportunity to overwork himself, stimulating his brain to come up with the best.

While this can be considered masochistic to some extent, there is no denying that some of his best arcs may have been the product of great fatigue.

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