One Piece: Eiichiro Oda Finds Only one Straw Hat a “Pretty big pain in the a**” to Draw (It’s Not Luffy or Zoro)

Despite Oda sensei’s amazing skillset, he finds drawing Franky Shogun more difficult than Zoro, Luffy, or any other character.


Eiichiro Oda is the author of the globally acclaimed manga series One Piece, which is often hailed as the best manga ever.
He has created numerous characters for his story and one of them is the most troublesome for him to draw.
Franky Shogun is the character that Oda sensei finds the most difficult to draw due to him being a robot.

The anime genre is one of the biggest and most widely known sources of enjoyment, boasting countless shows. Despite the numerous anime available to the audience, the indisputable fact remains that One Piece is the greatest anime and manga series out there. Consequently, Oda sensei is often regarded as the greatest mangaka ever. 

Franky in One PieceFranky in One Piece
The One Piece world is immense, with numerous characters introduced ever since its debut on July 22, 1997. The ability to draw so many characters who are different from each other highlights the exceptional drawing skills of Oda sensei. However, despite his remarkable talent, there is one character in One Piece that he finds challenging to draw. If your guesses are either Zoro or Luffy, you would be mistaken. The individual most difficult to draw is none other than Franky Shogun.

Oda sensei faces trouble drawing Franky Shogun in One Piece

One of the most prominent reasons for Eiichiro Oda’s magnum opus’s widespread popularity is its vast world and the many different characters and races. Despite the vast size of the verse, every character is unique and plays a pivotal role in the story.

The journey of Luffy began in 1997, when he set sail to become the Pirate King. Along the way, he ended up making friends who became his family and even a part of his crew, which we all know as Straw Hats.
Franky from One PieceFranky from One Piece

Oda sensei’s drawing has improved significantly over the years. However, it does not invalidate the trouble he faces while drawing some characters. If you were to speculate which character he finds the most problematic to draw, a majority of the viewers might think that the answer would be Zoro or Luffy, but they will be gravely mistaken.

The answer to this question was given by Oda sensei in SBS One Piece Volume 69, where he revealed the toughest character to draw is Franky. He said:

Let’s see–. Franky Shogun is a pretty big pain in the ass to draw. I love designing robots and all, but redrawing them over and over isn’t really a forte of mine. But that’s robot talk. If we were to talk about just humans, I’d say women take longer to draw than men for me.

He further stated:

Especially black-haired women. For black hair, there’s this process called “tsuya-beta” (negative drawing). It’s a real bugger having to color in with a brush pen whilst keeping the negatives, or the gloss, in the hair. With that said, my answer is Hancock. Knowing she had to look like the most beautiful woman in the world was the toughest part of all.

However, despite the hardship he faces in drawing Franky and other characters, he always makes sure to deliver and fans rarely get a chance to be disappointed by Oda sensei.

What’s happening in One Piece?

With each passing chapter, we edge closer to the ending of the greatest manga series of all time and the story is in one of the most crucial stages. This is because it is currently laying the foundation for all the future events that are going to happen.

The future destination for Luffy and his crew is most likely Elbaf, where we can get a reveal of one of the most-awaited characters, Loki, who has been teased for a long time.
Luffy in One PieceLuffy in One Piece
As you might know, the One Piece verse will have a big war before the story ends, and it is expected to be the greatest war arc ever in the manga world. Despite the ending seemingly closer than ever, there are still numerous things to look forward to, as a One Piece fan.