Blackbeard’s twisted personality might be a result of his traumatic childhood.


One Piece fan theory claims that there is a valid reason behind Marshall D. Teach using crooked methods to take over the world.
Blackbeard was a slave at the God Valley and had to tirelessly work throughout the day without proper rest and unbearable physical pain.
Marshall D. Teach was experimented on during his slave days which took away his sleep, doubles his durability, but is easily injured.

Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is full of surprises. Often, it leaves the fans speechless and spellbound. One Piece has been running for 25 years, and even after so many years, it managed to hold on to its magic. Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of the anime, but that does not stop the fans from taking an interest in other pirates. They sometimes also take sides with antagonists.

Due to Eiichiro Oda’s habit of maintaining secrets and revealing them when necessary, fans often create their own theories. There are instances when the theories were better than the original story. One of the mysterious characters in One Piece is Marshall D. Teach. Even after there being tons of fan theories based on him, they devised a new one, and it looks like they might be onto something.

Blackbeard Is Living Under A Misconception

blackbeardBlackbeard – Marshall D. Teach (Credit: Toei Animation)
Marshall D. Teach, popularly known as Blackbeard, is one of the Yonkos and the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates. He reached the highest position on the sea through crooked means, but the latest fan theory suggests that he had a pretty rough childhood. It forced him to get to the top and change the world. The fan theory claims that Blackbeard was a slave during the God Valley incident.

When the slaves were saved due to the God Valley Incident, he was led under the misconception that Rocks D. Xebec came to save the slaves and set them free. As a result, he is following Rocks’ Will and trying to take over the world. While the Buccaneers believe it was Sun God Nika who would set them free from their miseries, Blackbeard thought Rocks D. Xebec to be Sun God Nika.
Sun God Nika in One PieceSun God Nika (Credit: Crunchyroll)
There is a popular picture of Marshall D. Teach sitting under the moon. The moon might be referred to as Figarland Garling, whose hair resembled a crescent moon. There is a popular theory that suggests Shanks is the son of Figarland Garling due to their facial similarities. So, it would mean that he is the heir to the world, while Blackbeard, being a former slave, is the heir to the slaves.

Blackbeard Might Be A Product Of Experimentation In One Piece

When Blackbeard was a slave at the God Valley, the World Government might have experimented on him. The experimentation might be the reason why Blackbeard never sleeps and has extra durability. It was a way to make the slaves not to take rest and work harder throughout the day. But in doing so, it magnified the pain instilled in them. Even though they could work for longer, they suffered from unimaginable pain.
Van Augur Reveals Blackbeard's True GoalVan Augur Reveals Blackbeard’s True Goal (Credit: Viz Media)
Blackbeard was the first generation of experimented slaves. It might be so that he is the only one alive out of all the slaves and was led under a misconception. Working tirelessly was the first sign that he would one-day plot revenge on the entire World Government. Moreover, Rocks D. Xebec, being the Sun God Nika misconception, led him to name his ship the Sword of Xebec.



But at the moment, it is still just a theory. Until Eiichiro Oda confirms it, it shall remain a theory. With One Piece nearing its end and the Gorosei revealing their true abilities, it might not be long for more mysteries to be spilled on.