One Piece: Every Member Of The Worst Generation, Ranked By Height

The Worst Generation members in One Piece come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but some of them could be considered giants for how large they are.

Urouge, Drake and Apoo

The Worst Generation in One Piece are a rag-rag group of pirates who have been considered to be among the most dangerous individuals who are currently seeking out the One Piece treasure, and that includes Luffy. On many occasions, Luffy and the Strawhats have run into some of the other members of this group, sometimes to butt heads, but on other occasions, to work together in order to take down a common enemy. As would come to be expected from a character designer as talented as Eiichiro Oda, each member of the Worst Generation is very unique in their appearance, coming in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

In truth though, there are some true giants among them who are capable of striking fear into the eyes of their enemies through their size alone, while others are a little shorter, but still capable of dishing out plenty of damage with their Devil Fruit abilities. It’s time to see how each member of the Worst Generation stacks up in terms of their height, and how this affects them in combat.

12Capone Bege

Height: 5′ 5″

Capone Gang Bege One Piece

Fire Tank Pirates

Compared to the rest of the Worst Generation, Capone is far less intimidating in terms of his physical appearance. However, this just goes to show that looks can be deceiving. Although he’s the shortest member of the group, he’s also one of the most malicious and violent, willing to go to extreme lengths to get what he wants.

Capone often likes to whip out his deadly pistols to take down his enemies, alongside using his Shiro Shiro no Mi, which allows him to turn into a literal fortress, to defend against any hard-hitting attacks. As a result, he doesn’t need to be physically imposing, since he’s much more of a talker than a fighter who, if anything, uses his size to lure opponents in before catching them off guard with a barrage of bullets.

11Jewelry Bonney

Height: 5′ 9″

Jewelry Bonney With a brown fur coat and a green hat

Bonney Pirates

In the real world, Bonney would be considered fairly tall at nearly six feet high, but in the universe of One Piece which is packed full of giants and large humanoids, this is actually pretty small in the grand scheme of things. Similarly to Capone though, Bonney doesn’t need to rely on her size to deal with her enemies, since she often acts as more of an infiltrator and spy who can use her unique Devil Fruit to sneak into areas and find out vital information.

Much to the delight of many fans, Bonney has started to become much more relevant to One Piece’s story in the recent arcs where her tragic backstory with Kuma has been revealed, along with her true motives. Though she’s not too big in stature, Bonney’s powerful Devil Fruit can allow her to turn her enemies into literal children to end a battle before it even begins, which more than makes up for this.

10Monkey D. Luffy

Height: 5′ 9″

One Piece Luffy Egghead-1

Straw Hat Pirates

When he’s not ballooning himself to wild proportions through the use of his elastic Devil Fruit, Luffy stands at just under six feet tall, and is the exact same height as Jewelry Bonny. As a result, he may be one of the smallest members of the Straw Hat Crew, but his infectious charisma, driven personality, and deep passion for protecting his friends have made him a worthy captain who his crew will loyally follow right up until the end of their grand adventure.

As mentioned previously, Luffy’s Devil Fruit, the Gomu Gomu No Mi, allows the young and plucky pirate to extend and manipulate his body in any way he desires. Therefore, Luffy can easily expand his legs if he wants to gain a few extra inches, though rather than using the fruit to show off, he often prefers to utilize his abilities in combat, where he can smash his opponents to bits with a devastating Gomu Gomu Gatling Gun or King Kong Gun.


Height: 5′ 11″

One Piece Zoro Defeats Mr. 1 Arabasta

Straw Hat Pirates

Luffy’s right-hand man and one of his most loyal subordinates, Zoro, is a deadly warrior who was fairly strong before the timeskip, but has become an absolute menace after spending two years of training with Mihawk. Even though the Worst Generation label is usually reserved for Captains, Zoro proved to be so utterly powerful that he too was thrown into the mix, which makes sense considering how easily he’s been able to cut some of his opponents down in the past, and even in the current story.

Zoro is roughly at the middle of the road when it comes to his height, not only in comparison to the other Worst Generation members, but also in terms of the Straw Hat crew too. Despite him not caring much about his appearance, Zoro’s formidable size mixed with his three swords and permanent scowl all give him an incredibly intimidating aura which has worked to his advantage on more than a few occasions.

8Trafalgar Law

Height: 6′ 3″

One Piece Trafalgar Law Ope Ope no Mi

Heart Pirates

Law has been an off-and-on ally of the Straw Hats for quite some time, despite the fact he and his crew are technically competing with them to get to be the first ones to reach the One Piece. Law has a unique and recognizable design thanks to his snazzy patterned hat, signature goatee, and his overall size, which sees him standing even taller than Zoro.

In fact, whenever Law can be seen resting with his iconic Kikoku longsword in hand, the blade is more or less the same size as he is, which is pretty remarkable. He might be on the bigger side, but Law has proven he’s more than capable of outmaneuvering his opponents with his lighting-fast ability and speed, making him a truly formidable opponent on the battlefield.


Height: 6′ 5″

Killer wields his dual scythes against Kaido and Big Mom.

Kid Pirates

Killer is another character who, while not a captain, is referenced as part of the Worst Generation because of how dangerous he is as a combatant, which is understandable considering he’s a part of the infamous Eustass Kid’s pirate crew. Killer has a big and stocky build which helps to protect him from even the most powerful attacks, making him a valued member of his crew.

This doesn’t seem to slow him down one bit though, as Killer has been seen on numerous occasions to soar through the sky while cutting his enemies to ribbons with the use of his spinning gauntlets. It’s not just Killer’s size which makes him such a frightening sight though, as his mask and lack of speech also goes a long way in presenting him as a creepy and unnerving pirate who perfectly suits his nickname.

6Eustass Kid

Height: 6′ 9″

One Piece Eustass Kid smiling

Kid Pirates

Since Kid started making regular appearances during the Wano Arc, fans have gotten to see just how big this guy really is, and also how powerful he can be when he puts his all into a fight. Kid may have been towered over by the likes of Big Mom during their encounter, but even then, he still managed to hold his own and seemed confident doing so, rather than looking like the ant that most people do when standing next to a Yoko.

Kid’s size also allows him to look down on his enemies both physically and metaphorically, as he’s always trying to prove his superiority in any way possible, especially to Lufffy and the Straw Hats. One thing is for sure though; getting on the bad side of Kid is virtually the same as signing a death wish with a black marker pen.

5Basil Hawkins

Height: 6′ 10″

Basill Hawkins

Hawkins Pirates

Standing just an inch taller than Kid, Hawkins is one of the most devious and deceptive members of the Worst Generation who’s constantly switching sides and making fake alliances to further his own selfish goals. He’s also much bigger than many of the other members, but rather than using this to his advantage, he prefers to sit back and determine the future with his Tarot Cards rather than rushing in head-first to take out his opponents.

His dead-pan expression and unpredictable Devil Fruit make Hawkins one of the most feared individuals in all of One Piece, and his size most certainly also contributes to this. However, while Hawkins himself might seem scary enough, it’s when he unleashes his strawman that things become truly terrifying.

4X Drake

Height: 7′ 8″

X-Drake with Caribbou behind him

Drake Pirates

Drake is actually a member of the Marine special unit known as SWORD, but in a clever move, he decides to become bunched up with the Worst Generation to avoid any suspicion of his true identity. Even though he only pops up now and again throughout the story, he comes across as a menacing individual whose stern look and massive size perfectly encapsulate his level of power and authority.

Drake may be a regular human, but he’s far bigger than most seen in the series, to the point where he’s even been able to tattoo a giant X across his chest with plenty of room still to spare. Drake was even able to intercept a fight between Killer and Urouge, which is not something that’s easily done given the size of those two, but his intimidating presence alone managed to be enough to calm them down just in time.

3Scratchmen Apoo

Height: 8′ 5″

Hawkins and Apoo talking with a table in the centre

On Air Pirates

Considering Apoo is a part of the Longarm Tribe, it makes sense why he would be this big, but at over 8 feet tall, he really is a giant in comparison to most characters seen in the series. This also suits his Devil Fruit, which allows Apoo to use different parts of his body as musical instruments to produce airwaves that can either damage or hypnotize his opponents.

As a result, he’s another character who, while physically imposing, instead tries to catch his enemies off guard from afar with the use of his unique musical talents. Technically speaking, Apoo’s enormous size makes it much easier for him to use specific limbs as instruments, which can make him a deadly enemy to come up against.


Height: 11′ 3″

Blackbeard holding up Hancock

Blackbeard Pirates

Blackbeard has been classed as so many things throughout the series, it can be hard to remember a time when he was considered to be in the Worst Generation, especially now that he’s gone on to become a Yonko. The truth is though, Blackbeard’s fearsome crew and destructive capabilities, paired with his formidable size, make him more than dangerous enough to be compared to the likes of Luffy, Kid and Law.

Blackbeard’s biology has actually been quite a fascinating topic, since while it’s clear that he contains some sort of special bloodline to allow him to use two Devil Fruits, it’s unknown how far this actually extends, and whether it too determines his height. Either way, Blackbeard uses his large frame to his advantage whenever he can, which is one of many reasons why he’s managed to become so successful.


Height: 12′ 9″

Urouge using a weapon

Fallen Monk Pirates

Undoubtedly one of the tallest non-Yonko characters in all of One Piece, Urouge is a behemoth who can easily squash anyone who dares to stand in the way of him and his crew. Urouge has had barely any screentime compared to the other Worst Generation captains, but even so, his size alone has already resulted in many discussions being based around him and his true origins.

He clearly hails from the Sky Islands, yet he still appears to be much larger than the residents and enemies that the Straw Hats faced when they entered Skypiea. In fact, Urouge is so big that he was even able to stand toe-to-toe with a Pacifista, which gives a good idea of just how scary it must really be to even stand next to this colossal giant.