One Piece: Is Luffy too overpowered?

Luffy Gear 5 very overpowered


Luffy’s ascension to a Sea Yonko and his new level of power was reflected in his reward of 3 billion fruits.
With the awakening of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, Luffy reached Gear 5, making him the strongest he has ever been.
Fans are questioning whether Luffy is too overpowered after effortlessly taking on the Admirals and Five Elders together.

After the events of the Wano Country arc, Luffy has now become a Yonko of the Sea and, as is evident in the story now, one of the strongest individuals in the New World.

Defeating Kaido certainly meant that Luffy had ascended to a completely new level of power as well as infamy.

This was correctly reflected in his bounty, which skyrocketed to 3 billion berries after the events of the Onigashima War.

Once the Straw Hats freed Wano, they went to Egghead, and on this island, Luffy and the Straw Hats also faced many other dangers.

Luffy has had to participate in many high-level battles, and even now, he is fighting against a member of the Five Elders, Saturn, and reminiscent of the Admirals, Kizaru.

Luffy has had to prove his skill on every occasion, however, at the moment, many fans think he can be a bit domineering.

Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Mi Awakening

One Piece: Is Luffy too overpowered?

Luffy has achieved incredible power recently, and much of this is due to the awakening of the Gomu Gomu no Mi.

In the Wano Country arc, when Luffy was fighting Kaido, his Devil Fruit finally awakened after the Yonkou dealt a deadly blow.

At that moment, Luffy’s heart seemed to have stopped beating, and at the same time, his voice, which one could normally feel through Observation Haki, had also disappeared. Everyone, including Kaido himself, was sure that Luffy died.

However, that was when his Devil Fruit truly awakened and he was finally able to reach a completely new level of strength.

Immediately after this Devil Fruit’s awakening, fans were able to see what this power offered him, and this ability was what came to be known as Gear 5.

Gear 5 is certainly Luffy’s strongest power , and this ability makes him fight at his best. This gives Luffy an incredible buff, making him more elastic than before and increasing all of his physical attributes to a sky-high level.

At the same time, it allows you to fight with greater freedom and bring your imagination to life. The only limitation for Luffy in Gear 5 is his imagination.

Fortunately, Luffy possesses a limitless imagination, and this means that he is certainly one of the strongest individuals in the entire series, if not the strongest.

After Luffy awakened his Devil Fruit, Kaido was no longer dominant against him in battle. Even though the Yonko was quite powerful, Gear 5 was simply too much for him to handle.

Credit to him, he managed to land a few hits on Luffy, however, at the end of the day, it proved not to be enough, and it was then that Luffy finally freed Wano, crushing him and sending him crashing into an underground volcano.

Since then, Luffy has left the land of Wano, and in Egghead, he has also used the power of Gear 5 on many occasions.

Has Luffy gotten stronger since Wano?

One Piece: Is Luffy too overpowered?

Luffy has become quite strong since the conclusion of the Wano arc. In fact, it’s a fact that after each arc, Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates become stronger than they were before.

If Luffy were to fight Kaido now, he would definitely win in a proper one-on-one too, as that’s how the story works.

The fact that Luffy has gotten stronger since Wano is well reflected in the Egghead Island Arc. In this arc, Luffy has shown enough power to overpower even people like Admiral Kizaru.

When the Egghead arc began, Luffy used the power of Gear 5 against Lucci. It was quite clear that he was no match for the Yonko.

In fact, Lucci didn’t even manage to land a single hit on Luffy, which just showed what an incredible level Luffy was at at that moment.

If that wasn’t enough, Luffy faced Admiral Kizaru in battle. Kizaru is one of the strongest individuals in the One Piece world, and it was very clear for fans to see that he was no match for the Straw Hat pirate.

It was clear that Luffy wasn’t giving it his all and was really holding back. Despite holding back, he managed to defeat him, which was quite surprising for the fans.

It was even more surprising that Luffy was able to face Kizaru and a member of the Five Elders, Saint Saturn, in combat at the same time.

Fans know that these two are some of the strongest in One Piece, yet Luffy had no problem dealing with them together.

Saturn, who should have been on par with the Admirals, and potentially even stronger, was unable to withstand the fight against Luffy.

Even these two individuals together were unable to harm Luffy in combat, and this only shows that Luffy reached an even higher level after the conclusion of the Wano Country arc.

Is Luffy too overpowered?

One Piece: Is Luffy too overpowered?

Many fans have wondered if Luffy is simply too overpowered after witnessing the development of the Egghead Island arc.

The fact is that Luffy is an individual capable of facing a member of the Five Elders and an Admiral at the same time, and defeating them both. This is an incredible level of power that has never been seen before in the One Piece world.

What makes this even more shocking is the fact that Luffy still isn’t giving it his all. Fans know for a fact that Luffy isn’t utilizing any advanced form of Haki at this point.

Above all, Luffy is not using his abilities to see the future, nor is he using the power of Conqueror’s Haki infusion, which is one of the strongest abilities that exist in the One Piece world.

Clearly, he has shown enough power to overpower people like an Admiral and a member of the Five Elders at the same time. The fact is that Luffy could potentially face another individual with his level of strength in combat and still do very well.

All this to say that Luffy has simply reached an unprecedented level of strength and still has a lot of room to grow.

Without a doubt, Luffy is very overpowered now, and he has gone from being the underdog in his battles to dominating even individuals around the Yonko level.

While this is exciting, it just means that the enemies Luffy faces later will be even stronger.

In particular, people like Blackbeard and Imu will likely have reached a much greater level of strength and will show that power very soon in the Final Saga.

In this sense, Luffy is certainly not very powerful, since the enemies he will have to face will also be much stronger.