Latest One Piece episode hints at Jinbe’s connection to Sun God Nika.


The latest episode of the One Piece anime was notable not only for the much-anticipated confrontation between Luffy and Lucci, but also for revealing Sun God Nika’s secret to the other Straw Hat Pirates.
Every Straw Hat Pirate was stunned to hear about Luffy’s newfound power, but Jinbe was not taken aback at all and linked him right away to Sun God Nika.
It is possible that Jinbe was aware of Sun God Nika’s existence from the beginning or had some connection to him.

One Piece Episode 1100 not only brought the rematch between Monkey D. Luffy and Rob Lucci, but it also revealed Sun God Nika and his powers to the Straw Hat Pirates. As Luffy transformed into Gear 5, Vegapunk explained to the other members who Nika was and his importance to the history of the Ancient Kingdom.
Sun God Nika in One PieceSun God Nika in One Piece
While the other Straw Hat Pirates were shocked to learn about Luffy’s role as Sun God Nika, the newest addition to the group, Jinbe, had a different reaction to the news. He was instantly able to connect the Gear 5 powers with the Sun God, even after seeing it for the first time.

This has led One Piece fans to believe that there is a chance that Jinbe might be connected to or knew about Sun God Nika’s existence from the very beginning.

Jinbe Might Have Been Aware About Sun God Nika And His Influence

When Luffy was fighting Lucci, Chopper and Jinbe were near the battlefield, and while Chopper was shocked to see Luffy’s incredible new powers, Jinbe instantly linked it to the powers of Sun God Nika. Although this scene was only shown in the anime and was absent from the manga, it still explained a lot of things.

This scene had a connection to Jinbe’s fight with Who’s Who where they discussed the existence of Sun God Nika. Jinbe was the only one Who’s Who asked about the Sun God Nika, and Jinbe, rather than denying any knowledge of Nika, just said he had nothing to say about Nika. The fact that he did not deny knowing about Nika makes it more intriguing.
Jinbe vs Who's WhoJinbe vs Who’s Who
While the scene was only shown in the anime, it does add to the mysterious nature of Jinbe and it indicates that Jinbe might have known about Nika and his influence long before Wano and he has been hiding it from the Straw Hat Pirates.

Jinbe’s Connection to Sun God Nika

Jinbe’s connection with Sun God Nika has become a little more clear after the release of One Piece episode 1100. When Jinbe fought Who’s Who, he pointed out the fact that Jinbe might know about Sun God Nika because he was the second captain of the Sun Pirates. As the Sun Pirates’ crew consisted of former slaves, there is a chance they are somehow connected to Nika.
JinbeJinbe – One Piece
The main goal of the Sun Pirates was to free the world from the tyranny of the Celestial Dragons, especially the slaves who served them. Therefore, it can be stated that the Sun Pirates were inspired by the legends of Nika. The history of Bartholomew Kuma points out the fact that Nika was a popular entity among the slaves and as the Sun Pirates were all slaves, they could have heard about his stories from other slaves.

All of this concludes that Jinbe not only knew Gear 5 and Sun God Nika’s connection, he himself in a way was connected to the legendary figure, and his former pirate crew was based around the legends of Sun God Nika in One Piece.