One Piece: Spectacular Chapter 1110 Review! What should you remember?

saturn one pieceOne Piece: Spectacular Chapter 1110 Review! What should you remember?

The revelation that the Five Elders all possess mythical Zoan Devil Fruits changes things. Confronted with the colossal power of Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, himself a half-bull, half-spider creature, it becomes clear that Saturn is not the only pillar of strength among the Elders.

Each capable of transforming into mythical animals, they remind One Piece fans of the strongest members of Team CP9 from the Water 7 saga. Even Rob Lucci, with his awakened Cat-Cat Devil Fruit, ca n’t compete with the simultaneous arrival of five mythical Zoan types . In a dramatic scene, Chapter 1,110 features these four newcomers transforming into dark shadows, culminating in a spectacular double page spread where the Five Elders appear in all their Zoan splendor .

The giant pirates

Directly stemming from the brutal events of Chapter 1,109, the Giant Warrior Pirates fight alongside other pirates, but their role remains minor , despite their imposing size. Their preference for simple melee weapons makes them less surprising to One Piece fans , although they do play a supporting role in escorting the Straw Hats to the waiting Sunny . Their presence, while always welcome, does not offer us new insights into their origins in Elbaph or their unique way of life during this battle.

Dr. Vegapunk’s message remains unanswered

One Piece is famous for its shocking revelations and the introduction of gripping mysteries, including the truth about the Iron Giant on Egghead Island and the true nature of Imu. Dr. Vegapunk’s message, although promised, has yet to be revealed , leaving the forces of the World Government racing against time to defeat the Straw Hats before his message is broadcast.
gorosei yokai
One of the Five Elders’ transformations, that of Ju Peter into a mythical sandworm, turns out to be a vivid reference to Dune . This nod to popular culture is part of One Piece’s tradition of paying homage to famous actors and musicians. This reference to Dune enriches the One Piece universe by integrating contemporary elements from films and literature, demonstrating Eiichiro Oda’s playful approach to this final saga.

In short, One Piece Chapter 1110 delivers on all its promises by offering more action, tension, and revelations than expected, while peppering the story with a timely cultural reference. However, these elements come at the cost of not allowing a single character to shine in an epic, memorable way. One Piece continues to surprise its fans , even after 27 years of adventures, by constantly renewing itself and pushing the limits of its universe ever further.