One Piece Theory: The Gorosei Have a Bigger Problem than Just the Straw Hat Pirates


According to a One Piece theory, the strongest Navy officials might face a battle against the Five Elders, making them an even greater threat to the World Government.
These Navy officials could be Kizaru, Fujitora, and Akainu.
This would cause a significant change in the One Piece universe’s power structure.

The recent chapters of One Piece have revealed that Luffy is fighting the Gorosei on Egghead and is trying to escape from the island to start the next plotline of the story. As the story is in its final saga, many theories have erupted over the internet which prompts the defeat of the World Government and Luffy becoming the Pirate King.
gorosei devil fruit forms in one pieceGorosei Devil Fruit forms
However, there is one theory that pits the strongest Navy officials against the Five Elders, making them an even bigger problem for the World Government. These Navy officials might be Fujitora, Akainu, and possibly Kizaru. This would result in a big shift in the paradigm of power in the One Piece universe.

Not only that, it could very well serve as the plotline of the conclusion of Eiichiro Oda’s magnum opus and result in the end of the tyranny and evil that prevails in the higher ranks of the World Government.

Akainu’s Betrayal is a Huge Possibility in One Piece 

Although Akainu, the Fleet Admiral of the Navy has been portrayed as the bad guy in the story multiple times, he might not be all that villainous. The only problem with him is that he believes that all Pirates are evil and evil needs to be eradicated from the World, to make it a peaceful place to live in.

A theory posted by u/ParfaitPlus1621 on Reddit even states that Akainu does not like the Five Elders at all and has even called them the puppets of Celestial Dragons. Therefore, when Akainu realizes that the real evil in the One Piece world is actually the Five Elders and Imu, there is a chance that he may betray the World Government.
AkainuAkainu – One Piece
Akainu is the preacher of absolute justice and he doesn’t care if it makes him look like the bad guy. Therefore, he can very well choose to go on his own or side with the Straw Hat Pirates to fight against the true evil personalities of One Piece. Also, he is based on the character of Bunta Sugawara from Battles without Honor and Humanity, who betrays his own.

The Gorosei Might Have To Face The Marines

If the theory mentioned above holds any ground, there is a high chance that after Akainu leaves the Navy, the organization may rebel against the World Government. After Akainu leaves, the only characters who can lead the Marines are Kizaru and Fujitora. Kizaru has no interest in the position and he will also likely betray the World Government as seen in the recent events of the Egghead Island arc.
FujitoraFujitora – One Piece
Therefore, all the power then goes to Fujitora who could be appointed as the Fleet Admiral. If Fujitora is appointed as the Fleet Admiral and he finds out about the evil doings of the World Government, he is bound to betray the World Government and ally with the Straw Hat Pirates. This is because of his Moral justice and his mindset about Luffy as the character who has the power to earn the trust of everyone around him.

Thus, according to the fan theory, the World Government and the Gorosei might not have to fight only the Straw Hat Pirates, but also one of their own extended factions, which could ultimately result in their demise and the conclusion of One Piece.