Bizarre theory reveals the true goal of the World Government and how it is connected to the One Piece treasure.


The story of One Piece has spawned many theories attempting to determine what One Piece is and how it relates to Joyboy.
Fans of One Piece know that the narrative of the treasure, Joyboy, Imu, the Gorosei, and the Ancient Kingdom is intertwined.
There is one idea that ties all of these puzzles together by explaining Joyboy’s true aim throughout the Void Century.

The story of One Piece has given rise to multiple theories that try to figure out what One Piece is and how it is connected to Joyboy, a mysterious figure in Eiichiro Oda’s universe. While some believe that One Piece is a weapon, others think that it is a comic book that inspired Joyboy to wage a war on the World Government.
Strawhats in One PieceStraw Hat Pirates (Credit: Toei Animation)
The one thing that One Piece fans know is that the story of the treasure, Joyboy, Imu, the Gorosei, and the Ancient Kingdom is connected in some way, and when it is finally revealed to the world, it will change the dynamic of the One Piece universe.

There is one theory that unravels all of these mysteries together by explaining Joyboy’s real intention during the Void Century. It also reveals what the One Piece treasure could be and why Imu and the World Government are trying so hard to hide it from the entire world.

One Piece Theory Reveals The Real Intentions of Joyboy During Void Century

According to a theory posted on Reddit, Joyboy was a preacher of Heliocentric views which stated that the Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun making it the center of the universe. However, Imu being the God of Earth wanted people to believe in his Geocentric mindset which professed that the Earth is the center of the universe.

This is why Imu formed an army to brainwash people into believing his point of view and worshipping him as a God. The members of the army later became the Celestial dragons and the ones who protested against him became the members of the D. clan. Even Gorosei, who represents the planets of the Solar System wanted to form control over the general public.
Imu-samaJoyBoy Strawhat at Imu-Sama’s chamber
The theory also states that the One Piece treasure is actually a scientific device that proves that the Sun is the center of the universe and only the powers of Sun God Nika can operate this device and once again reveal the Heliocentric truth to the entire world.

Gol D. Roger Reached Laughtale A Little Too Early

Although the theory unravels most of the mysteries of One Piece it doesn’t answer why Gol D. Roger was laughing when he reached Laughtale and how is he connected to all of this. The answer to this was given by u/ElderLurkr in the comment section of the Reddit theory.
King of the Pirates - Gol D. RogerKing of the Pirates – Gol D. Roger
According to him, the gap of 800 years holds some kind of significance in the revelation of the Heliocentric truth to the world. When Roger reached Laughtale, he realized that he was a little too early, because every 800 years, a celestial event takes place that aligns all the planets and gives power to Sun God Nika making him much more powerful than he already is.

Another interesting point was added by u/dandywara which revolved around the heliocentric theory. The user commented that maybe Nika was inspired by astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus who published his study about the Sun being the center of the universe. However, he was initially afraid of publishing his findings because of political and religious sentiments.

Therefore this narrative of people being influenced by wrong historical information could serve as the perfect storyline for Eiichiro Oda to include as the conclusion of One Piece.