These are the individuals with the strongest haki in One Piece.

The world of One Piece has seen the rise and fall of some of the most incredibly powerful individuals, all of whom rely on a different ability in combat. However, if there’s one thing that is common among the vast majority of the strongest individuals, it is Haki. Haki is a power that was properly introduced in the story shortly before the timeskip, and ever since then, it has been incredibly important in the story.

Of course, fans have seen several powerful Haki users in the story over the years, but only a handful can be considered to be the very best. And among them, the strongest will always be up for debate.

What Is Haki?

The Spiritual Power To Take One To The Top

Haki is an incredible ability that is present within everyone in the world of One Piece. This is because Haki is a spiritual power that resides in every single living being in the story. Of course, just having Haki does not mean that one can make use of it. There is only a small number of individuals in the world who can make proper use of Haki by awakening it. The vast majority don’t even get to tap into this power. After some specific training, Haki can truly be tapped into, and it becomes a massive asset to the individual it is accessed.

Listen Luffy! Haki is a power that lies dormant in everyone. The ability to sense spiritual energy and overpower enemies is a power that everyone possesses to some degree.

Haki can be divided into two types primarily, and that is the Color of observation, and the Color of Armament. Both of these Haki types are absolutely incredible. The Color of Observation gives one a sixth sense and grants incredible observation skills, such as the ability to see incoming attacks, sense emotions, and gauge power levels, among other things. Meanwhile, Color of Arms allows the user to coat their bodies with it like armor. It can be used both offensively and defensively, and it is especially useful against devil fruit users, who often get some kind of protection by their ability. It allows the user to make contact with the actual body of the fruit wielder, letting them damage them greatly.

The last type of Haki is one that isn’t present within everyone. This is the Color of the Supreme King, or Conqueror’s Haki. This Haki type is absolutely incredible, and allows one to impose their willpower on others, and intimidate them. The weak-willed ones are knocked out completely, while the strong-willed ones are still intimidated, provided their will is weaker. Of course, this type of Haki can also be infused, and used as armor, both offensively and defensively. This type of Haki is considered to be the strongest in the entire series, capable of taking one to the very top.

Gol D. Roger’s Powerful Haki

Roger Wielded Haki At The Highest Level

When it comes to the individuals with the strongest Haki, Roger, the former Pirate King comes to mind. This is simply down to the fact that Roger was the individual who brought the whole world to heel. He did not have any Devil Fruit power, and all he had in combat was his supreme grade sword, Ace, and on top of that, incredibly powerful Haki. Of course, Roger’s Haki stemmed directly from his incredible ambition. Roger did not just want to become the Pirate King, but he also had another dream that he wanted to fulfill.

Of course, he could not fulfill his dream, however, still, what fans know for a fact is that Roger’s ambition was absolutely incredible and this ambition, when put into his battle arsenal, made him an absolute monster in combat. Only a handful of individuals in One Piece could match Roger in combat, with Whitebeard being one of them. However, even in the case of Whitebeard, he had the power of a Devil Fruit that could help him destroy the entire world in his arsenal. It was only by combining that fruit with the power of his Haki that he was able to match Roger.

Even Kaido himself confirms the fact that Roger was able to conquer the entire sea with his Haki alone, and that makes him truly special. Roger was a force to be reckoned with, and his Haki, at least in his prime, was completely unmatched. When it comes to the individuals with the strongest Haki, Roger has an incredibly powerful case.

Luffy’s Haki At The End Of The Series

Luffy Will Have The Strongest Haki In One Piece


Of course, while Roger might have had the strongest Haki in One Piece when he was alive, right now, he can’t be in consideration for this position. Currently, it can be said that Shanks has the strongest Haki in One Piece. He is Roger’s apprentice, and just like him, he does not rely on a Devil Fruit, and is completely reliant on Haki. Shanks is a monster at using Haki, and he was even able to one-shot Kid and Killer, both with a Haki imbued strike that most likely wasn’t even his strongest. Having such incredible power just goes to show that Shanks’s Haki is absolutely tremendous. It cannot be matched by the vast majority of the people in the One Piece world.

After taking hits from your club, I figured it out. You can infuse things with Supreme King Haki, can’t you?

However, while Shanks might have the strongest Haki at the moment, eventually, Luffy will go on to surpass him. This is because Luffy’s ambition is greater than that of Shanks, and equal to that of Roger, if not higher. While Roger was not able to fulfill his true dream, Luffy will be able to do that. He will become the Pirate King, and go beyond to fulfill his actual dream as well.

Luffy is going to be what Roger wanted to be, and that ambition that Roger couldn’t fulfill, Luffy will. This essentially means that Luffy’s Haki is most likely going to be even greater than that of Roger at the end of the story. Luffy will have to beat Shanks as well, which means that he will have to get his Haki on Shanks’s level as well. Right now, he is already a tremendous user of Haki and has a case for some of the strongest applications of it. However, come the end of this story, it will be on a completely different level, which will make Luffy the strongest Haki user of all time.

Of course, there are other powerful Haki users in One Piece as well who have a fair shot at reaching a very high level when it comes to Haki usage. However, among all, the ones that most likely stand out on top are Roger, Shanks, and of course, Luffy. There is a case that can be made for the likes of Rocks, however, fans do not know much about him just yet to conclude that he had tremendously powerful Haki. Regardless, it can be safely assumed that Luffy’s Haki is going to surpass that of Roger.