One Piece: Why Mihawk Might Not Be The Roronoa’s Zoro Last Opponent ? It’s Someone Even Scarier

A One Piece user has speculated how Mihawk might not be the last opponent Zoro has to face as someone exists with potentially far more power than any other swordsman.


Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece franchise is based on characters chasing their dreams, and one such character is Roronoa Zoro, who wishes to become the strongest swordsman.
It is believed that he would need to face against and defeat Mihawk in order to be the best swordsman, which might not be true as there might exist someone stronger.
We are talking about Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, one of the Five Elders and a swordsman, much of whose abilities remain unrevealed.

The franchise of One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda does not only cover the dream of Monkey D. Luffy to become the King of the Pirates but showcases the ambitions of many other characters as well. One such character is Roronoa Zoro, who is one of the initial members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and dreams of becoming the strongest swordsman in the world.

Zoro is already one of the strongest characters in the whole series and aims to be able to defeat the strongest swordsman right now, which would be Mihawk. However, the recent appearances of the five elders in the manga have made us remember this theory posted by a user on Reddit a couple of years ago.

Roronoa Zoro dreams of becoming the Strongest Swordsman in the world | One PieceRoronoa Zoro dreams of becoming the Strongest Swordsman in the world | One Piece

Why Mihawk Might Not Be The Roronoa’s Zoro Last Opponent In One Piece

Eiichiro Oda has created an intriguing system when it comes to swords and their power scaling in One Piece. They have been divided into 3 different classes, and there exist 3 special swords that are cursed, called the Kitetsus. One of the Gorosei, Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, is known to possess one of the three Kitetsus, and the weakest one is known to be with none other than Roronoa Zoro.

The aforementioned user has talked about the possibility of Nusjuro’s sword being potentially better than that of Mihawk, possibly making him the strongest swordsman in the world. While many would argue that it is not the sword but the one who wields it, fans should not forget that Nusjuro is one of the five elders who are present at the top of the world government, and once cannot achieve that position without being insanely overpowered.

The Five Elders/ The GoroseiThe Five Elders/ The Gorosei

With Nusjuro posing a way greater threat than Mihawk, there is no doubt a long way to go for Zoro before becoming the strongest swordsman in the world. However, he has shown great growth in the latest One Piece chapter, as he was finally able to defeat Rob Lucci and move one step closer to his dream.

Who Are The Five Elders And Why They Are The Most Terrifying Group In The One Piece

As stated before, The Five Elders, also called the Gorosei stay near the top of the hierarchy in the world government, only coming before Imu. The creator of the series had preferred to keep their appearances to a minimum until recently, as we have finally seen a glimpse of their true power.

The latest One Piece chapter in particular has showcased what seems to be the devil fruit transformation of all the five elders. Nusjuro specifically has been revealed to have the powers of the mythical Zoan fruit Bakotsu and has showcased the knowledge of embedding his Kitetsu sword with Haki, making him a formidable enemy.

We finally know about all the Gorosei's devil fruit powers | One Piece Chapter 1110

We finally know about all the Gorosei’s devil fruit powers | One Piece Chapter 1110

Furthermore, being overwhelmingly powerful is not the trait that The Five Elders are known for, as another theory speculates how they might have been experimenting with incurable diseases for a while now, spreading them around the world without any care.