“How powerful is he..I might be passing out”

One Piece Episode 1101 brings an end to the Luffy vs Lucci rematch.


The rematch between Luffy and Lucci on Egghead Island has finally ended in One Piece, with the arrival of One Piece anime episode 1101.
Fans had been eagerly awaiting the episode, and it lived up to their expectations.
After seeing the episode, fans took to X (formerly Twitter) to share their opinions on the finale of Luffy vs Lucci 2.

The Luffy vs Lucci rematch at Egghead Island has finally come to an end in One Piece with the release of One Piece anime episode 1101. The episode was aired on April 21, 2024, and it is considered by many as one of the best Luffy Gear 5 moments of all time, as he defeats one of the major antagonists of the story.
One Piece Anime Episode 1101One Piece Anime Episode 1101
Fans have been eagerly waiting for the episode and it has lived up to the wait and the expectations of fans. The episode, just like the previous ones, followed the new animation style of the One Piece anime series and gave some new Gear 5 moves that took the fans by surprise. These new moves not only destroyed Lucci but also wreaked havoc on Egghead.

After watching the episode, fans went on to X (Formerly Twitter) to express their views about the finale of Luffy vs Lucci 2. And now, they await the next phase of Egghead, which is going to be even more interesting than Luffy vs Lucci’s rematch.

Fans Are Satisfied By Luffy vs Lucci’s Ending in One Piece

One Piece Egghead arc saw a major shift when Sentomaru announced that he is going to help the Straw Hat Pirates in escaping the island along with Vegapunk. This led to Luffy befriending Sentomaru. However, Sentomaru became a problem for Lucci as he controlled the Seraphims who were destroying the other CP0 agents.

Therefore Lucci attacked Sentomaru to take control of the Seraphims, but this was not at all liked by Luffy. He became serious in his fight against Lucci and defeated him with a move called Gomu Gomu no Dawn Rocket.
Luffy and Lucci in One PieceLuffy and Lucci in One Piece
As Lucci is hit by the attack, he talks about Luffy’s new strength and says “How powerful is he..I might be passing out.” This was followed by Lucci passing out and finally putting an end to the fight. Although anime fans anticipated that Luffy was going to win against Lucci, they did not expect it to be so great.





Although the fight between Luffy and Lucci has ended, there is still a lot of danger looming around for the Straw Hat Pirates. Also, Lucci might have lost his battle against Luffy, but he is not fully defeated and is going to make a comeback in the future of One Piece.

What to Expect from One Piece Episode 1102?

The next episode of One Piece anime is probably going to start the next phase of the Egghead Island arc. As the Luffy vs Lucci rematch comes to an end, the Straw Hat Pirates reach the frontier dome. However, the problems have now begun as Sentomaru has passed out and the control of the Seraphims has been transferred to CP0 agents.
Dr. Vegapunk in One PieceDr. Vegapunk in One Piece
The CP0 agents will also make their move toward the frontier dome to capture and possibly kill Vegapunk. The Straw Hat Pirates on the other hand are planning to escape Egghead Island as they finally agree to take Vegapunk with them and protect him from the Marines and the World Government.

But the problems of the Straw Hat Pirates are just starting, as the CP0 agents are trying to stop them from leaving the island, and also, the next antagonist of the Egghead Island arc, Admiral Kizaru, is on his way with a grand fleet of Navy ships and he plans to destroy both Vegapunk and Luffy.