“They’re all in love”: Eiichiro Oda on If There Will Ever be an Onboard Romance Amongst Straw Hat Pirates

While hints of romance exist, Eiichiro Oda’s vision centers on the Straw Hats’ shared love for adventure.


Romance in One Piece remains puzzling, with the focus on adventure instead.
Eiichiro Oda emphasizes the Straw Hats’ love for adventure over romantic relationships.
Fans speculate on potential romances within the crew, but Oda prioritizes adventure.

One Piece, written by Eiichiro Oda, is well-known for its amazing world-building, outstanding character design, dynamic movement, and some funny jokes. However, one thing that seems to be absent from the story is any real romantic attraction between the characters.

The fans are quite passionate about the series. They frequently like to wonder about potential romantic connections between the characters.
Luffy in One PIeceLuffy in One Piece
The real reason behind this is the genre that One Piece belongs to, as romance is not always a big focus in the shonen manga. This type of story is predominantly written with young boys as an audience in mind, and the focus is usually more on action and adventure.

Why Eiichiro Oda Avoids Romance in One Piece

Romantic elements in shonen manga, such as One Piece, are quite uncommon. Sometimes they hint at it, but they don’t confirm anything until the story is almost done.
Luffy in One Piece - Eiichiro OdaLuffy in One Piece
However, fans of One Piece have long theorized about the potential romantic relationship between the members of the Straw Hat Pirates. They hope to see some on-board romances blooming along with the action and adventure.

But the creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, seems to have a very clear thinking on the role of romance in his beloved series. A fan asked Oda Sensei directly whether any of the Straw Hat Pirates would ever fall in love.
Luffy in One PieceLuffy in One Piece (Credits: Toei Animation)
In SBS Volume 34, Eiichiro Oda said,

“But they do… They’re all in love…with adventure.”

It is an answer that perfectly covers Oda Sensei’s priorities when it comes to One Piece. While love and relationships can surely spice up the story and make it more appealing, Oda Sensei seems a lot more interested in focusing on the desire of the Straw Hats for discovery, exploration, and excitement.

This does not mean there have not been hints and flirtations of romance throughout the series. But Eiichiro Oda’s own vision for the story will likely remain romance-free or at least, romance-adjacent. This is because the heart of the story is in the Straw Hats’ shared love of adventure, not in any on-deck romance.

Why Luffy Should End Up With Boa Hancock In One Piece

One way that Boa Hancock could potentially become a true life partner for Luffy, in the long run, is simply through her own incredible powers and fighting abilities. As the head of Amazon Lily, she is known as the strongest of the powerful Amazon women.
Boa Hancock in One PieceBoa Hancock in One Piece
Not only does Boa Hancock have the power of “Love-Love Fruit”, she has also mastered the advanced Haki techniques that give her more serious fighting skills.

If she were to team up with Luffy, they would make for an absolute powerhouse duo. That is why fans believe Luffy should end up with Boa Hancock and not Nami.