Discomfort at the Lakers before Game 3, Darvin Ham attacks Anthony Davis after his comments!


NBA Darvin Ham tackles Anthony Davis

Trailing 0-2, the Lakers must win the upcoming match against Denver, but it seems that disagreement reigns behind the scenes. In front of journalists, Darvin Ham publicly regretted Anthony Davis’ comments.

It’s not fun right now for the Lakers in this first round of the playoffs. Led 0-2 by Nikola Jokic and his partners, the Californian franchise must react and win this Game 3, at the risk of finding themselves in a rather complicated situation. Except that behind the scenes, we have to believe that the atmosphere is not the best in Los Angeles.

In question ? What happened in Game 2. The Lakers were up to 20 points ahead before collapsing, the fault of adjustments on the part of the opposing coach. Darvin Ham? He didn’t do much on his side, to the point where the Angelinos’ attack worked without a system at times, with total improvisation. And Anthony Davis was not happy.

Anthony Davis reframed by his coach

Looking inside, the Lakers had no idea what to do on the floor. He criticized the game plan in Game 2 and it didn’t seem to be far from the truth when we see the result. Ham? He was quick to contradict his own player, believing that Davis spoke out of frustration at the time. The coach wanted to defend himself in front of journalists.

Darvin Ham on Anthony Davis : “I think sometimes actions don’t end the way you want them to. The frustration increases a little. But I don’t think we were disorganized. I think I have very talented coaches on my staff. So I would say it’s just frustration. This is an emotionally important match, especially considering how it ended. Let’s agree to disagree on this. »

A speech far from convincing the fans, annoyed by a coach who seems to have no idea of ​​what he is doing. A few days ago, he explained in particular that he did not know how to defend Nikola Jokic .

get this man out of my life

Darvin Ham has made a few more enemies in the Lakers, including Anthony Davis. The interior highlighted a sore point after Game 2, but his coach prefers to put it down to frustration.