Here Is Why NFL Fans Boo NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell At The NFL Draft

Roger Goodell boo'd at NFL draft.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell may not belong to any franchise. Still, he is undoubtedly one of the most polarizing figures in NFL history, and it’s evidenced every year at the draft when he is miraculously booed before announcing the first overall pick.

You may be wondering why the fans who attend one of the most anticipated events of the NFL’s calendar year are booing the man who runs and keeps their entertainment source afloat. The answer may surprise you.

The answer is more simple than fans may think. He controls the league and its rules, and he is just hated. It’s been clear since Goodell took the job in 2006 that he’s been booed at every draft.


Roger Goodell Doesn’t Do Much To Help His Case

Roger Goodell boo'd at NFL draft.

There have been many rule changes over Roger Goodell’s nearly two decades at the helm of the NFL, and some fans have begun to call the NFL “No Fun League” due to many of its playing and even celebration rules. Goodell has a say in all of those.


While Goodell may not be much appreciated as the leader of the NFL, he tries his best to cater to the local fans of the place where the draft is being held. This year was no different, as he tried getting on the good side of Detroit fans in a commercial with rapper Eminem.

The commissioner also tried baiting the fans in Detroit into cheering for him using Eminem, Aidin Hutchinson, Barry Sanders, and even Calvin Johnson made an appearance to try to get the applause going, but as soon as Goodell stepped up to the mic, boos continued to rain down.

Let’s hope that, for the sake of all NFL fans, the commissioner eventually either fixes his mistakes or gives the job to a more appropriate commissioner.