“Don’t cry now. Cry after the interview is over”: Jesse Eisenberg’s Verbal Assault at Female Interviewer Was Because of Morgan Freeman

“Don’t cry now. Cry after the interview is over”: Jesse Eisenberg’s Verbal Assault at Female Interviewer Was Because of Morgan Freeman

Jesse Eisenberg may have roasted his female interviewer a bit too much this once.

Jesse Eisenberg might be terrific when it comes to acting, but he is not so impeccable when it comes to interviews. In fact, if anything, the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice villain even proved through an interview how unbearable he can be for the interviewers during interviews.

Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network

Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network

This was portrayed by him during an interview with a female interviewer following the release of Now You See Me. As the interviewer called Morgan Freeman by his last name, Jesse Eisenberg continued to verbally assault and roast her throughout the exchange.

Jesse Eisenberg Berated A Female Interviewer Because Of Morgan Freeman

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg in Now You See Me

During an episode of Say My Name With Romina, Jesse Eisenberg lost it when the female interviewer Rosa Puga called his Now You See Me co-star Morgan Freeman just ‘Freeman’. Catching her off guard, he said:

“Freeman? Who are you? Freeman? What are you, on a baseball team with him?”

To this, Puga said that Morgan Freeman was a ‘buddy’ of hers and continued to refer to him as ‘Morgie’. Trying to lighten the mood, the interviewer asked him to debunk some secrets from the film.

During this, they tried the old ‘cutting the thumb’ prank with another humiliating remark from the actor pointing out how the end of the thumb doesn’t look like the end of a finger. Ignoring that, Puga tried to make light-hearted conversation by pointing out that Eisenberg had a flat thumb.

But this enraged the actor as well, who, while refuting the claim, noticed that Puga had something written on her hand. Pointing it out, he said:

“What did you write on your hand? [Puga: Nothing.] Like, there were a lot of things. Are they questions? [Puga: No.] Are you secretly hiding questions for the interview? [Puga laughed awkwardly] You wonder what it’s like to work with Morgan Freeman and you can’t remember that? Don’t call Morgan Freeman ‘Freeman’ like you’re on a little league softball team with him.”

Although that was more than just a bit harsh, Jesse Eisenberg didn’t realize that he had said more than enough and continued humiliating the female interviewer throughout the interview.

How Jesse Eisenberg Further Messed Up The Interview

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor

Trying her best to hold on and not react to all the jarring remarks that Jesse Eisenberg had for her, Romina Puga then shifted the conversation. He asked the Batman v Superman star to perform the card trick he is so famous for. Yet, even during that, Eisenberg found a way to humiliate her.

Here’s how their conversation flowed:

“Eisenberg: Do you remember the comedian Carrot Top?

Puga: Yes. Horrible.

Eisenberg: Well, you are like the Carrot Top of interviewers. No, it’s a good thing.

Puga: You’re gonna make me cry now.

Eisenberg: Don’t cry now, cry after the interview is over. Because otherwise, I’ll look like I’m responsible for this.

Puga: Oh, you are.

Eisenberg: Well, I don’t want to know that though.”

When Puga remarked how he knew that now that she pointed it out, Eisenberg continued to roast her by saying he had already said her name for the camera and ‘What else do you want from me?’

The female interviewer pointed out that the situation was equally unbearable for her, as it was for the Vivarium star. She claimed that the only thing she wanted from him was the magic card trick so that they could ‘wrap [the interview] up’.

But even that got to Eisenberg, who pointed out how she was ‘on his time’ and not the other way around.

Nonetheless, the card trick was performed, and during that time, it seemed the drama had subsided. This was only until Romina Puga asked him to call her name in the camera as if he was trying to find her in a crowded place. To this, he looked at the camera and simply said, ‘Romina’, before explaining the reason behind saying her name that way:

“The thing is I actually didn’t want to find you. I was actually open to staying alone.”

This last comment finally earned Jesse Eisenberg an insult with Rosa Puga calling him a ‘d—’: something that she probably had been holding in for quite some time.

As for justifying his behavior: maybe Eisenberg just had a bad day and took it out on the poor female interviewer? Perhaps. However, even in that situation, his behavior can’t be justified as no one deserves to be treated in such a manner.