“People can get stale”: Johnny Depp Kept Getting Elbowed By Ex Amber Heard After Actor Fell Asleep 35 Times During a Movie – TH

“People can get stale”: Johnny Depp Kept Getting Elbowed By Ex Amber Heard After Actor Fell Asleep 35 Times During a Movie

Depp was once asked by his film’s director to watch his own movie, but fell asleep 35 times

Johnny Depp is one of the most beloved actors in Hollywood, who has appeared in several eccentric roles like Captain Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, and more. Unfortunately, while the world adores his phenomenal performance, the actor mentioned that he never watches his own movies.
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Revealing the reasons behind his decision on several occasions and during multiple interviews, Johnny Depp has often refrained from watching the final product. However, once he was forced to watch his own movie, alongside his then-wife Amber Heard and the director of the film. And that wasn’t a fun experience.

Johnny Depp Refrains From Watching His Own Movies

Thanks to Johnny Depp’s eccentricity and astute eye for character acting, the actor never disappoints his audiences. When most chisel-chinned, leather jacket-wearing Hollywood heartthrobs find themselves in lead romantic roles, Depp chooses to portray a drunken pirate, a madman in a ludicrous hat, and such, among other kooky characters.

Johnny Depp in and as Edward Scissorhands

Johnny Depp in and as Edward Scissorhands

However, despite his incredible talent that comes out on the silver screen, Johnny Depp seems to have a strange love-hate relationship with Hollywood. More than anything, the actor shares a bizarre relationship with his own work, as Depp clearly mentioned how he refrains from watching his own movies.

Johnny Depp

Depp mentioned that he never watches his own movies

Appearing on The Late Show With David Letterman in 2009, Johnny Depp admitted that he never watches any of his movies. “Yeah, I stay as far away. If I can, I’d try to stay in as profound a state of ignorance as possible…It’s just that, you know, I don’t like watching myself.” Depp shared. But once, he was almost forced to watch his own movie alongside the film’s director and his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp Fell Asleep While Watching His Movie 

During his discussion with Lawrence Krauss, as shared via Shirley Films, Johnny Depp mentioned how he was once asked by his film’s director to watch his own movie. Recalling the experience he had during those few minutes, Depp mentioned falling asleep and being elbowed by his then-wife, Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp was once asked to watch his own movie

I tried to see one once because the director asked me to. My wife Amber can attest to this because her elbow was very busy that night. I was sitting next to her [Heard], director’s wife is here, director’s here. I fell asleep 35 times. And I got this [elbowed], ‘baby, wake up’.”

Unfortunately, the event didn’t go as planned and Johnny Depp fell asleep infinite times, proving his point as to why he never watches his own movies. Whether it’s because of his insecurities about watching himself onscreen or because he prefers the process more than the final result, Depp shared his point during the interview with Lawrence Krauss.

Johnny Depp

Depp fell asleep 35 times while watching his movie

I feel the experience, I’m happy with the process. It’s what I’m interested in, the process of creating, the process of exploring, the process of breaking formulas, the process of dropping the bottom out of the scene. Because people can get stale, and I feel that’s the wrong place to be. So I’m interested and I’ve always been interested in trying to avoid what was expected.”

Although the actor is undoubtedly proud of his work and the reputation he has earned from it, Depp simply revealed how he prefers to not watch his movies and keep it that way.