“The script changed so much”: Robert Downey Jr.’s Own ‘Batman’ Moment Was Almost Deleted From Iron Man That Would’ve Badly Affected the Movie

Robert Downey Jr.’s cave scene would have never made if off to the final film due to multiple script revisions

Robert Downey Jr.’s Own ‘Batman’ Moment Was Almost Deleted From Iron Man That Would’ve Badly Affected the Movie

Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man is what started it all. From a bankrupt studio to a multi-billion studio, Marvel’s ascent to success and box office domination has been widely hailed to be the work of one man aka RDJ. But when it comes to Tony Stark, it was a ‘cave’ that started it all.

Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. as and in Iron Man

Nobody would have thought a decade before that a ‘cave’ would become so instrumental to the origination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Originally synonymous with the DC hero Batman, a ‘cave’ played an equally important role for Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man. Popularly referred to as Tony Stark’s Batman moment, it almost did not make it to the final cut.

Robert Downey Jr.’s Batman Moment From Iron Man Was Almost Discarded

Downey's Batman moment was similar to Wayne's pit scene in The Dark Knight Rises

Downey’s Batman moment was similar to Wayne’s pit scene in The Dark Knight Rises

To say Robert Downey Jr. starrer Iron Man is one of the best superhero movies ever made would be a gross understatement. The movie was more than decisive in creating the now more-than-50 billion worth Marvel Studio (via Forbes 2021 data) and establishing the box office charting Marvel Cinematic Universe.

While Iron Man was crucial to the MCU, a ‘cave’ scene was crucial to the transformation of Tony Star to Iron Man. Widely regarded as Downey’s Batman scene, it was when Stark was captured by the Ten Rings and imprisoned in a cave. Somewhat similar to Christian Bale‘s ‘pit’ moment in The Dark Knight Rises, Stark’s time being imprisoned with strangers helped him realize that he too can be a ‘hero’.

However, according to MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios, that moment or rather sequence almost never made it, as art director Susan Wexler explained in the book.

“The script changed so much. We started building the cave where Iron Man is really conceived, when Tony Stark is kidnapped. That was the one thing we knew that we were going to be doing. It was threequarters of the way done, and they said, ‘Maybe we won’t do the cave.’”

Fortunately, the late production designer Michael Riva interfered and since the cave set was already there, Downey’s Batman moment ended up in the film, becoming the most crucial scene of the entire franchise.

Why Robert Downey Jr.’s Batman Moment Is Crucial To The MCU

The most iconic scene of Iron Man and MCU

The most iconic scene of Iron Man and the MCU

It is now hard to imagine Iron Man without its vital cave scene, a scene that literally birthed the entire movie franchise. Not only was it crucial in proving to everyone that Tony Stark is more than just an obnoxious playboy billionaire, but it was also somewhat metaphorical in showcasing Marvel Studios’ journey from ‘rags to riches’.

Furthermore, Downey’s Batman moment was pivotal in showcasing Tony Stark’s true worth. Away from all his wealth and privileges, Stark’s time in the cave was proof that nobody could define him or Iron Man by his family, wealth, or position. That it is Tony Stark who is the real hero and not his ‘tin suit’ or money that makes him one.

Even Marvel accepts that the scene was absolutely significant for after more than a decade, Avengers: Endgame credits featured the sounds of Tony Stark’s hammer sound echoing off the cave’s wall. Coming back to a full circle, the moment also ties up with Stark’s funeral and the line Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart.

Thus, Downey, or rather Tony Stark’s Batman moment was iconic and crucial to the entire MCU.