Nicki Minaj and Cardi B continue to bring drama that makes fans hot.

Today, the famous magazine Forbes announced the list of female rappers with the highest income in 2019 to date. Not unexpected by many people, ‘retirement queen’ Nicki Minaj topped the list with a total income of 29 million USD, surpassing Cardi B (28 million USD).

Forbes công bố Nicki Minaj chính là nữ rapper thu nhập cao nhất 2019 tính tới thời điểm hiện tại với 29 triệu USD.

Forbes announced that Nicki Minaj is the highest-earning female rapper of 2019 to date with 29 million USD.

However, recently, Cardi B suddenly responded and refuted Forbes’ post. This female rapper believes that the statistics compiled by Forbes are completely inaccurate. On her Twitter account, Cardi B tweeted: ‘I wonder where Forbes magazine got those numbers to put in their statistics?’. Cardi B’s statement seems to confirm that it is not true that she was surpassed by Nicki Minaj in terms of income.

Cardi B đăng tweet với hàm ý cho rằng thống kê của Forbes là sai sự thật.

Cardi B posted a tweet implying that Forbes’ statistics are false.

Cardi B không hài lòng với chuyện này nên đã lên tiếng chất vấn Forbes.

Cardi B was not satisfied with this so she questioned Forbes.


Before Cardi B’s statement, Nicki Minaj did not know whether she had received this information or not, but until now she has remained quite quiet. It seems that Nicki Minaj is very excited right now because after being surpassed so many times by Cardi B, today she has the opportunity to regain her dignity. However, if Forbes’ statistics are wrong, things will be different.

Is Forbes really wrong like Cardi B said?

After the high heel scandal, Nicki Minaj and Cardi B’s tense relationship gradually sank into oblivion because no one bothered to mention it. But with this incident, will the hidden war between Cardi B and Nicki Minaj once again flare up?