According to Miley Cyrus’ pilates coach, the secret behind her impressive abs is her unwavering commitment to doing 30 minutes of crunches every day. Since her bold return, the singer has been showing off her toned midsection in crop tops. She works tirelessly to maintain her fit physique and achieve her desired appearance.

Mari Winsor, a renowned pilates instructor, emphasizes that exercising is more than just performing a few routines. Consistent effort for at least thirty minutes is essential to achieve fitness goals.

One key technique she stresses is pulling in the tummy towards the lower back, instead of simply tightening it. Merely doing forty crunches daily will not provide desired results, according to Winsor.

Recently, Miley Cyrus has set up a workout studio in her house and has been following Winsor’s training program, resulting in visibly enhanced legs. Winsor is pleased with the toned appearance of Cyrus’s legs, which is the result of her workout routine.

Maintaining a fit and toned body is a top priority for her, which is why she regularly engages in exercise. She aspires to have flat, well-defined abs, but according to Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) representative, Greg Small, relying solely on sit-ups won’t suffice.

Even though Miley Cyrus swears by daily crunches, spot reduction isn’t always dependable. To achieve a comprehensive fitness routine, it’s crucial to incorporate diverse exercises that complement each other.

If you do crunches every day, your body might get used to it and the exercise may lose its effectiveness. Lorna Driver-Davies, a nutritional therapist from The Nutri Centre, praises Miley for her commitment to staying healthy and active despite her busy schedule. Being young and having access to professional nutritionists and dieticians can be an advantage for Miley in maintaining her slim physique.

Additionally, Miley has shared that she is gluten intolerant, which can help her avoid bloating caused by gluten-containing foods. Miley’s nutritionists may advise her to consume foods rich in B6 to increase her energy levels.

These foods include leafy greens, lean protein, quinoa, and oats, which are all excellent choices for someone with a demanding and physically exhausting routine.