(X) Lady Gaga goes crazy in the Joker blockbuster season 2 about the scariest villain

Blockbuster (Joker: Crazy with Doubles) released the first trailer revealing the shape of the crazy duo Joker and Harley Quinn played by Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga.

In 2019, the blockbuster is considered the most successful of the famous screen clown named Joker that created a global buzz, earning $ 1 billion and 2 prestigious Oscar statuettes.

Season 2 of Joker, titled Joker: Folie À Deux, will premiere in time for the 5th anniversary of the first season. On the morning of April 10, the film released the first trailer revealing the appearance of the crazy duo Joker and Harley Quinn played by Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga.

The highly anticipated combination of Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix.

Joker: Crazy Couple continues to revolve around the clown Joker and his journey on the path of crime. This time, however, he wasn’t alone. The Joker meets his companion and later lover, Harley Quinn.

The Joker’s insane asylum life drifts away in boredom until he sees a girl who seems to have the same insane emotions as him. They noticed each other at first sight and the lives of both villains took a different turn.

‘Folie À Deux’ is a shared mental disorder. The illness exposed both of them to a negative energy in their minds. In this case, the clown “spread” the disease to Harley Quinn, causing both of them to “go crazy in two.” The title of the film portrays part of the plot, focusing on the toxic relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn.

The two actors are in bronze in ‘Joker: Crazy Has Doubles’.

Lady Gaga and Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix wowed the audience by acting like a bronze in the crazy scenes of two scary maniacs. The film is rated R in the US for its level of violence and hot scenes, which can be seen as not diminishing the inherent level of bloodiness despite a change to the musical genre.