Eazy-E’s Daughter Responds To Kanye West & The Game Sampling Her Dad

Eazy-E’s daughter Ebie Wright said she likes The Game and Kanye West’s new song “Eazy,” which samples her dad’s cut “Eazy-Duz-It.” 

Plus, Ye threatens Pete Davidson on the song for dating his ex-wife Kim Kardashian.

“Ironically enough, my life was never easy either, but I think it’s a great song,” Ebie told TMZ. “Honestly, the fact that they sampled ‘Eazy-Duz-It,’ my father literally represents revolutionizing everything. He also represents gangsta rap. What Kanye did and what he said on it, I mean, it don’t get more gangsta than that. I’m with it. I mean, you gotta think about it like, Kanye especially, he knows how to go viral. He’s also very expressive. I feel like, he can’t do no wrong. I think Eazy taught him, and Yeezy taught me.”

“I absolutely think if my father was alive, he would have totally loved to be a part of this record,” she added. “I mean, it’s incredible. You can’t pay more homage than actually using a sample from one of his biggest songs, ‘Eazy-Duz-It.’ And you know, titling the song ‘Eazy.’”