Jennifer Lopez performs a striptease in a lace outfit with crude movements

Jennifer Lopez performed a striptease in Las Vegas last night in celebration of her famous curves last night.

The 𝑠e𝑥y routine was part of her All I Have show after the singer admitted she was told to “lose weight” at the start of her career.

Wearing a strappy laced bodysuit, the 48-year-old star gyrated erotically with a female dancer.

The high-legged thong put her bootylicious bottom on full display.

She writhed on a sofa before throwing her legs akimbo in the seductive show.

She flaunted her famous curves ( Image: Splash News)

She threw her legs akimbo ( Image: Splash News)

The body confident dance comes after she revealed her physique was criticised when she first came on the scene in the 1990s.

“I got a lot of flak for it from people in the industry,” she told

“They’d say, ‘You should lose a few pounds,’ or ‘You should do this or do that.’

“It finally got to the point that I was like, ‘This is who I am. I’m shaped like this.’

“Everybody I grew up with looked like that, and they were all beautiful to me. I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I still don’t!”

She performed with another female dancer ( Image: Splash News)

She was completely body confident ( Image: Splash News)

Her natural shape has been an inspiration for other women ( Image: Splash News)

And she revealed that her trendsetting curves have helped women embrace their natural shape.

“So many people have come up to me over the years – famous people, people I meet on the street, fans, everybody – and they say that very thing: ‘Thank you so much. I have the same type of body. I used to think I was fat, but now I feel beautiful,’” she said.

“My generation was very much focused on size 0 models. It was just so unattainable for most normal people, including me. My mom and my grandmother were the ones who drilled into me, ‘This is how we are, and this is what’s beautiful.’”