Taylor Swift: “I never comment on Katy Perry”

Taylor Swift confirmed to Telegraph magazine that she never commented on colleague Katy Perry in interviews and she did not want to talk about rumors that the two did not see eye to eye.

The relationship between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry has been rumored to be “not good, not sweet soup” for many months now since Taylor revealed to the press that the song Bad Blood on her 1989 album was written for a friend. “enemy”. The beautiful female singer refused to reveal that person’s name, only saying that this is a female singer.

After  this information was posted – a source close to these two female singers confirmed that Taylor Swift and Katy Perry have always competed with each other in their careers, both of them once dated singer John Mayer and the song Bad. Blood is truly a “gift” from Taylor Swift to Katy Perry.

In the latest interview, Grammy Award-winning singer Taylor Swift said simply: “I don’t give the press any information to write about, I don’t go out with men, I don’t leave nightclubs drunk and I will never comment on her in interviews.”

Instead of bad-mouthing her colleagues, Taylor Swift affirmed that she was determined to live a comfortable and happy life, even though she also had to look straight at the fact that at the age of 30, she could still sing the song “alone.”

“Honestly, sometimes I think maybe at 30 I’ll still be single. No one wants to approach me, maybe I’ll have to constantly greet people like: “Hello, nice to meet you, can we go on a date?” Do you like camera lights? I hope so.””