The legendary Mike Tyson was never “great,” says acclaimed former trainer

The legendary Mike Tyson was never “great,” says acclaimed former trainer

Mike Tyson has received some criticism from his former trainer Teddy Atlas. [Getty Images]

Mike Tyson has received some criticism from his former trainer Teddy Atlas. [Getty Images]

According to the legendary Teddy Atlas, Mike Tyson was never as good as many proclaimed.

‘Iron Mike’ is widely regarded as one of the greatest boxers of all time. A former heavyweight champion, Tyson famously made history by capturing gold at just 20 years old. Decades later, nobody has been able to achieve the feat.

Today, Tyson is beloved by many fans and younger boxers in the sport. However, his former trainer, Teddy Atlas, believes that the heavyweight is more highly regarded than he should be. The legendary coach discussed Tyson during a recent interview with Lex Fridman.

There, Teddy Atlas explained that Mike Tyson was never as “great” as many believe. Now, that’s not to say that he’s never had great nights, such as his 1988 knockout of Michael Spinks. However, that doesn’t mean he was great.

In the interview, Atlas opined (via Boxing Scene):

“I don’t know if he was ever great… [But] I don’t know if there was ever as good a fighter as Tyson was for maybe one night, he was great. He wasn’t tested, but he might have been ready to be tested that one night against Michael Spinks when he took him apart in 90 seconds. I think I saw a great fighter that night. [However], I don’t think you can be great unless you have all the requirements of being great.”

Check out his comments below (1:35:00)

Teddy Atlas explains what Mike Tyson lacks to qualify as a great in the sport of boxing

Teddy Atlas’ biggest issue with Mike Tyson is that he failed to overcome.

The relationship between ‘Iron Mike’ and the legendary coach was an infamously terrible one. According to Atlas, he even pulled a gun on a teenage Tyson for harassing his niece. Ultimately, that was the end of their relationship.

Speaking to Lex Fridman about Tyson’s career, Atlas pointed to his biggest issue with him. While the heavyweight had all the talent in the world, when that talent wasn’t enough to carry him, he faltered.

Furthermore, Teddy Atlas stated that Mike Tyson never won a fight that he had to overcome. While that’s debatable, the Hall of Fame trainer seems confident in his take. He stated:

“To be able to find a way when your talent wasn’t enough – he didn’t find a way when his talent wasn’t enough. A fight is not a fight until there’s something to overcome. Until then, it’s just an athletic exhibition contest… Mike Tyson was only in five, six fights in his life. The fights where there was something to overcome, he didn’t overcome it.”