Miley Cyrus Reveals She Still Loves Liam Hemsworth & MORE In Wild Howard Stern Interview

Miley Cyrus Reveals She Still Loves Liam Hemsworth & MORE In Wild Howard Stern Interview

Miley Cyrus Howard Stern Interview Liam Hemsworth Sex Hannah Montana

No one gets celebs to spill like Howard Stern. And when you pair him with a star like Miley Cyrus, who is all too ready to give TMI anyway, you get some real gold!

This time the hottest tea was all about Miley’s love life, past and present. She spoke about her love for Liam Hemsworth — and what went wrong — then addressed her current love life, how she’s having sex and with whom.


Miley confirmed the decision to marry Liam was a direct response to the tragic wildfire in which the couple lost their Malibu home. She said:

“Me being an intense person and not wanting to sit with it and not wanting to go, you know, ‘What could be purposeful about this?’ I just clung to what I had left of that house, which was me and him.”
However, while the marriage was a mistake in retrospect, she does say very powerfully:
“And I really do and did love him very, very, very much and still do, always will.”
Wow. Considering the ways in which she’s shaded and disrespected him over the past several months, that is not what we expected her to say.

So what was the problem between them if the love was there? She says “there was too much conflict”:

“When I come home, I want to be anchored by someone. I don’t get off on drama or fighting.”
Dang, you could have fooled us after this past year. Inneresting to hear her imply Liam was the dramatic one. We’ve never gotten that impression from any of his movies.


As y’all probably know, Miley is a single woman these days — and 2020 is not a good time for that. Acknowledging the pandemic is a “really interesting and challenging” time to be out there meeting people, the Party In The USA singer does contend there are ways to have safe sex:
“I do a lot of FaceTime sex.”

The more you know!

Obviously Howard needed to know if one of the folks she was having sex with, virtual or otherwise, was her new duet partner Dua Lipa. Miley denied anything happened:
“We did not have sex. Dua Lipa constantly reminds me. She gives me the ‘in your dreams.’ I’ve never actually had a wet dream about Dua Lipa. That’s something that she’s projecting onto me. I did not get to have sex with her unfortunately.”
Mostly Miley laughed off the idea of sex with the New Rules singer, saying:

“I don’t really wanna f**k Dua Lipa that much. I think I know her too well as a friend, and, like, I don’t know — not really, no. But I definitely like kind of pretending that we have because it ends up getting us a lot of views on our music video. So, it’s just manipulation, just the standard pop culture manipulation.”

*eyebrow raised in disbelief*
“OK, I kind of want to f**k her, like, 5 percent. The more and more I’m thinking about it, I kind of do.”
LOLz! Who doesn’t??


When Howard asked how hard it was to get sober, she made it sound much easier than we expected:
“It’s the decision-making. When I want to do something, I do it and there’s just no question about it. So, it wasn’t as challenging as it can be for a lot of people.”
We guess gurl just has a will of iron. Though even she says it’s not always easy and “the hardest times have been in this pandemic.” So much so that she fell off the wagon:
“I am always truthful. And a lot of people, their sobriety broke during this time. I was one of them. Luckily, I haven’t gone back to using any drugs, but I was drinking during the pandemic.”
Her regression — she doesn’t like calling it a “relapse” — began when her Instagram Live talk show, something she found to entertain herself during the early months of the lockdown, sort of collapsed. Why? The fun “wore off.”

“The dopamine — getting up every day, seeing the viewer count go up — it didn’t do it for me anymore.”

So instead she found something else that made her feel better.

But, she says, drinking has not traditionally been her “demon” for a specific reason:

“If anything, it just makes me not reach my full potential, which is unacceptable to me. Like, I will not accept anyone or anything that causes me to not reach my fullest potential.”

She says doesn’t consider herself “an alcoholic, though she admits drinking has caused problems in her life:
“It really, really affects my relationships. I’m not the best partner; I’m not the best daughter; I’m not the best sister. I can be a little unreliable. So if that’s an alcoholic — if we’re not measuring it by how much we drink but how we perform as a human being — then I would say alcohol is a problem for me because I’m not at my best.
Hmm. Sounds like maybe it’s more of a problem than she wanted to admit?


Speaking about the psychological damage inflicted by being a young Disney star doing Hannah Montana, Miley explained:
“Some of my audience was so attached to a character, which wasn’t me. So, then that does a lot of psychological stuff, where it’s like, ‘Am I valuable as myself?’ OK, the whole show’s premise was that when I had my normal hair and looked like myself, no one gave a s**t about me. And then when I got all dolled up and put a wig on, all of a sudden, you know, I’m being chased by people chasing my tour bus. So, that’s a lot to put on a kid — to go, ‘When you’re yourself, no one gives a f**k.’ But then when they go and kind of groom you to look like something else, something that you’re not, and you’re really young, and it’s a lot of makeup and, you know, wigs and all this stuff, it does something psychologically.”
Huh. We guess we’d always thought of Miley as being kind of outside of that, having an understanding of the meta commentary of the show and what she was doing with her IRL career. But now that we write it out, that is a lot to put on a kid, too!

[Image via FayesVision/Apega/WENN/Miley Cyrus/Disney/YouTube.]