‘Shocked to the core’ series of actions more offensive than Sophia Urista’s urinating on fans’ faces

In addition to Sophia Urista, a series of other famous stars such as Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga… have had offensive and shocking actions right on stage.

Sophia Urista urinated on the audience’s face

Recently, fans couldn’t believe their eyes when the Welcome To RockVille music night organized by the band Brass Against caused a shocking incident. Accordingly, female singer Sophia Urista calmly pulled down her pants and urinated directly in the fan’s face to the surprise of the audience.

'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than Sophia Urista's urinating on fans' faces“Shocked to the core” series of actions more offensive than Sophia Urista’s urinating on fans’ faces
Specifically, it was the performance of the song Wake Up (Rage Against The Machine). Sophia said she was having to urinate and wanted the audience to help her solve this problem. A male audience member rushed to help his idol in “danger”. However, thinking this was just a joke, the female singer suddenly pulled down her pants and urinated straight into the fan’s face.

'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 1
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 2
This incident made witnesses unable to believe their eyes and condemned the female singer for her offensive behavior. However, this is not a rare thing. Previously, a series of famous singers also shocked the audience when they openly did embarrassing things on stage.

Lady Gaga performs vomiting on stage

At the event that took place in 2014, Lady Gaga had the most offensive, unhygienic, and unhygienic performance ever. Accordingly, at the concert, Lady Gaga had an unforgettable stage when performing the song Swine.

'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 3
Worth mentioning, she asked a contemporary artist from London – Millie Brown – to accompany her. During the harsh music, Millie Brown drank a blue drink, then hooked her throat and sprayed it straight at Lady Gaga while she was playing the drums. This scene continued throughout the performance, shocking the audience.
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 4
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 5
The climax was when Lady Gaga pulled Millie Brown up a high step simulating horseback riding. Here, both of them changed the vomiting screen from green to black in a horrifying way. The scene truly haunted those who witnessed it, not wanting to look at it again.

Miley Cyrus and her sexy swinging performance on stage

Vomiting and urinating on fans’ faces is nothing compared to Miley Cyrus’s erotic swinging performance on VMA awards night in 2013. The female singer was extremely daring when she used her hand to touch her colleague Robin’s sensitive part. right on stage, making the entire auditorium blush.
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 6

'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 7
This daring performance was widely reported by the media, calling it a “surprising” but equally “shocking” performance. Since then, this is still considered a performance that is listed as offensive and worthy of being “boycotted”.

Madonna brings… masturbation moves to the stage

The pinnacle of offensive performances must be Madonna’s Like A Virgin performance 31 years ago. The song is part of the Blond Ambition Tour that took place in 1990 and it’s hard to believe that the female singer brought… a “21+” masturbation move to the stage, performing in the middle of the row. tens of thousands of spectators.
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 8
The stage scene at that time was tinged with darkness, everything was covered with a giant velvet curtain. Attention was focused on the red bed placed in the middle of the stage and Madonna wearing the “legendary corset”, flanked by two dancers wearing yellow bras.
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 9
While singing, Madonna writhed on the bed, making sensitive movements that reminded people of masturbation. It’s worth mentioning that this was a live performance, so it’s easy to understand how the audience below felt when they saw their idols take such bold and reckless actions right on stage.
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 10
'Shocked to the core' series of actions more offensive than peeing on Sophia Urista's fan's face - Photo 11
As time went on, the performance became more intimate and reeked of “21+”. This once caused a huge wave of controversy. Many people can’t help but wonder if they are enjoying music or mistakenly watching an adult movie?