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The rugby player killed his lover and then committed suicide

ANĐ – Jovan Belcher, a player for the Kansas City Chiefs football team, committed suicide in front of his coach and teammates at the stadium shortly after shooting and killing his girlfriend on the morning of December 1.

Jovan Belcher was very loved by his teammates and coaches, but for some reason he committed a crime and committed suicide

“We have heard information about them arguing often recently. On the morning when the murder happened, they also argued fiercely,” Darin Snapp, a spokesman for the Kansas City police, said on ABC News . The victim was identified as Perskin Kasandra, 22 years old. Before that, Perskin and Belcher had a 3-month-old daughter together. When the murder happened, the girl was also in the house but in another room.

Kansas City police received news of the murder from his mother Jovan Belcher , who came to live with him and his wife to take care of their daughter. After receiving the news, the police were dispatched to the stadium Kansas City Chiefs and knew Belcher came here with a gun. However, the police were unable to prevent Belcher from committing suicide.

Before that, Belcher thanked the head coach as well as his teammates for what they did for him. According to Snapp, no one on the Kansas City football team felt a threat from Belcher at that time.

Jovan Belcher has played for the Kansas City Chiefs since 2009 with a total of 59 games. Before that, Belcher played for Maine Black Bear University, for 4 years with 45 matches. Currently, the cause of Belcher’s motive for murder and suicide is still being clarified.