Even Spider-Man Could not Stop Himself from Roasting 1 Zack Snyder Movie that Highly Disappointed Fans

Spider-Man roasted a popular Zack Snyder film for its controversial direction

Zack Snyder is one of the most well-known directors in Hollywood right now, for better or for worse. This is because he has made films that are both beloved but also ridiculed by fans and critics alike – as he stuck to keeping unnecessary religious undertones in his later films. In fact, one particular Snyder movie got roasted by Spider-Man in the comics in the past.

Zack Snyder has been often called a ‘hack’ for his portrayal of films and overly fixating on unnecessary themes and biblical imagery, which was most apparent in the DCEU film Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice back in 2016. Many feel this movie did more harm than good to Snyder.

Batman iwth gunBen Affleck with Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder Explained His Biblical Themes Prevalent In Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

Zack Snyder’s 2013 film Man of Steel that fans were acquainted with how Zack Snyder really is – for better or worse. His reputation took a hit largely thanks to Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. Fans had many complaints about the film and for good reason.

Two DC characters Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

While speaking to Forbes in an interview, Zack Snyder was asked about the God vs Man element prevalent in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. Snyder made it clear it was subversive and explained the stark differences yet similarities between Batman and Superman in the film.

Yeah, I think it is. And that’s how Lex underestimates us in a lot of ways. He doesn’t think we’re capable of rising, so he has to bring the god down, right? And look, Luthor’s a humanitarian on some level. But in that moment it was about leveling the playing field, and what seems like a vast difference between our perceived “god” and our perceived “man” are really just labels and sort of ways of looking, but in reality there’s this common morality they share — and a really common kind of mythology too.

You know, they’re both born and live in a world where someone can care about them and mourn them, and they can love their mother. And that’s the cool thing, you know we spend so much time with the Martha-Clark relationship that I think it kind of pays off there. You realize, oh, we needed that as viewers, so we could get to a moment with Batman where that moment with Martha resonates. Because we’ve lived on with Clark’s relationship with his mother, so that moment is like, “Wow, that’s ringing for me and I feel it.”

When we were shooting the title sequence, that whole idea about, “Do we really need to see the death of the Waynes again,” is a big thing to take a shot at again. But you realize you need it, because it actually pays off. And I really wanted to do it all the way.
Thankfully, Zack Snyder had a redemption arc thanks to his version of Justice League in 2021, a four-hour epic that was far superior to the 2017 version, which was critically panned and hated by fans as well for good reason.

Spider-Man Brutally Roasted Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice In The Comics

In Spider-Man/Deadpool #6, Spider-Man and Deadpool took their banter to new heights as they found themselves parodying recent Hollywood trends. The storyline continues after the dynamic duo prevents an attempt on Deadpool’s life, leading them to experience some more satire from Hollywood.

Panel from Spider-Man comic Spider-Man making fun of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

Spider-Man and Deadpool attend a screening of a film titled “Nighthawk v. Hyperion: Yawn of Boredom.” Those who are well versed in Marvel comics would recognize Nighthawk and Hyperion as the comic book universe’s counterparts to Batman and Superman, respectively. The film’s title and premise clearly made fun of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice – especially criticizing it for being a snoozefest.

As Spider-Man and Deadpool left the movie, they shared a moment of reflection on the ridiculousness of resolving the film’s conflict by having the heroes realize they share the same last name – a direct reference to Batman and Superman resolving their own fight after learning their mothers share the same name, which was Martha. Regardless, we will have to wait and see whether the DCU will bring new life to the franchise, as DC sorely needs a win.