More Indians own property in London than the English

Even more than the English themselves, Indians are among the group of people who possess the most real estate in London, the capital of the UK. According…

Buy a Rs 15 lakh ticket, take a ‘Bus from Delhi to London’ and see the world

NEW DELHI: A private tourist company based in Gurugram has announced a bus service from Delhi to London where the travellers will cover 18 countries and 20,000 km in…

Turkish garbage collectors have created a library from discarded books.

A worker reads a book in a library transformed from an abandoned brick factory by the Cankaya district municipality in Ankara, Turkey, Dec. 12, 2017. Old books…

Surprising Reason Why Airplane Pilots, Co-pilots are Served Different Meals

If you have ever travelled in an aeroplane, you must have noticed that there are two pilots controlling it. The reason for having two pilots on the…

Not yet warm where the plane landed, this is the shortest commercial flight in the world, only 80 seconds.

Surely many people will wonder why the distance is so short that people have to create a whole flight path. And here’s why… When needing to go to…

World’s oldest animal, Ming the clam, killed at 507 years old by scientists trying to tell how old it was

Ming the clam was first discovered in 2006 and killed by scientists unaware of its age This is the only picture of the ocean quahog Ming –…

In what year was the first electronic computer born? where?

Electronic computers or laptops are widely used today in all areas of life. So have you ever wondered what the first electronic computer looked like and who created…

Strangely, the Dragon-shaped river flies in Portugal

With the hope of preserving the image of a world wonder, in recent days the Chinese social media community has spread a photo of a flying Dragon-shaped…

Suddenly becoming “as precious as gold”, what is so good about metal that melts in the hand that it is so eagerly hunted?

Many units around the world are urgently ordering gallium to prevent major “fluctuations” that may come in the future. One of the big changes that people are…

Australia has more than 10,000 beaches, if you were to visit a new beach everyday, it would take you more than 29 years.

One of the things that Australia is most famous for is its stunning beaches. There are literally thousands of miles of coastline around this ginormous country, but how many…