Video: Nicki Minaj bluntly cursed Mariah Carey at the American Idol chair

The Hollywood entertainment industry is once again “chaotic”.

During the American Idol audition last night, October 2, Nicki Minaj repeatedly cursed Mariah Carey in front of everyone. It seemed like she had been suppressing her emotions since before, and this was when her emotions overflowed and could not be contained. Meanwhile, Mariah Carey also refused to be “outdone”, showing a challenging attitude towards the female rapper. The remaining two judges, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson, appeared quite helpless, trying weakly to intervene.

A secretly filmed clip of this memorable moment posted by news site TMZ is currently “shaking” the entire Hollywood entertainment industry. Although it is not possible to clearly hear every word in this “war of words”, readers can still clearly feel the “killing intent” in the studio at that time.

Nicki Minaj waved her hands loudly: “If you have any (damn) problems, solve them already” or “I told them I can’t stand her arrogant attitude anymore. And I won’t sit here and be insulted by you anymore” …And of course, in every sentence she says, Nicki doesn’t forget to include a few swear words. The climax is the threat: “I will kick you out of here”.

Responding to Nicki’s anger, Mariah was not to be outdone: “Oh, why, how?” . This attitude will definitely make Nicki even more “excited”.

It is known that the controversy broke out after Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey disagreed about a contestant’s audition. Previously, TMZ reported that Mariah Carey often interrupted when Nicki Minaj was evaluating the contestants.  It is very possible that this is the “seed” that sparks the conflict between the two people.