Jennifer Lawrence tells Taylor Swift at Golden Globes: ‘I was going to push you down the stairs’

The queen of putting her foot into it has struck again! We caught the moment Jennifer Lawrence made a cheeky dig to Taylor Swift.

When Jennifer asked by Ryan Seacrest if she’d seen Taylor, 24, live, she said she “hadn’t been invited” to any of her gigs. Youch!

It’s no surprise Taylor looks a little put out. Perhaps it didn’t help that J-Law said she was also tempted to push her down the stairs.

The queen of putting her foot into it has struck again! We caught the moment Jennifer Lawrence made a cheeky dig to Taylor Swift.

When Jennifer asked by Ryan Seacrest if she’d seen Taylor, 24, live, she said she “hadn’t been invited” to any of her gigs. Youch!

It’s no surprise Taylor looks a little put out. Perhaps it didn’t help that J-Law said she was also tempted to push her down the stairs